zero: wedding planners

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So there's a small time jump, we're only jumping forward about four months so the last book ended in December and this book is starting in March. Woohoo.

zero: wedding planners

"Louis, if you don't hurry we're going to be late." Zayn calls up the stairs, adjusting Quinn on his hip as the one year old starts to squirm. They were meeting with their wedding planner to go over a few more things before the wedding, but Louis was taking longer than usual to get ready. Zayn didn't really mind that much, Louis had been feeling a little off for the past week. Louis walks down the stiars after another minute, Nathan sliding down the stairs on his bum in front of him. Ethan was already downstairs and ready to go.

"Sorry, Nate wanted to wear the dinosaur shirt." Louis says quietly, taking Quinn from Zayn which allows Zayn to grab both Nathan and Ethan's hands. Together the small family walked out to Zayn's car, Zayn getting the twins into their seats while Louis strapped Quinn into hers. Once everyone was in the car, Zayn pulled out of the drive way.

"So, are you boys excited for your birthday next week?" Louis asks, turning to look at the twins. Nathan looks up from his coloring book, a bright grin on his face as he nods excitedly.

"Superheroes." Nathan says, earning a giggle from Ethan as Nathan pretends to fly like superman. Quinn seemed to find that hysterical, laughing uncontrollably. Louis couldn't help but grin at the exchange, loving the fact that his kids all got along. It doesn't take Zayn long to drive to the venue where the couple had decided to get married at, their wedding planner already there. Zayn greets her while Louis helps the twins out of their seats.

"Thanks so much for meeting me so soon, I know how busy you both are with those three beautiful children." Claire says, smiling at Zayn as he shakes her hand.

"It's not a problem, whatever it takes to make sure this day is perfect." Zayn says, looking over at Louis who is now getting Quinn out of the car. The twins had already ran off, probably going towards the small play area located just past the entrance. They'd stay there until Louis and Zayn decided it was time to go, they weren't really all that interested in what Claire had to say. 

"Well I can assure you that I'll do everything in my power to make sure it is. I just wanted to go over a few last minute details." Claire says, earning a nod from Zayn who wraps an arm around Louis' waist once the younger boy had made it to them. 

"Now the date is still set for March 20th, right?" Claire asks, motioning for Zayn and Louis to follow her as she walks into the building. 

"Right, all our family is flying in on Saturday for the twins birthday party. The rehearsal dinner should be on Tuesday." Louis says, following Claire as she walks through the building. It was a very vast one, filled with several different rooms that held special events such as theirs. 

"Perfect. Now, we've got everything set up for the ceremony. If there's anything you want changed, just let me know." Claire says, stopping at a door and turning the handle. Both Zayn and Louis stare in awe, their breath literally taken away. Zayn's grip on Louis tightens and Louis leans into his side. 

"It's beautiful

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"It's beautiful..." Louis whispers, earning a grin from Claire. 

"I know you wanted it pretty simple, so there's really not a lot to it but I'm glad you like it. We're still working on the reception hall, I just need you to confirm exactly what kind of flowers you want along with the seating chart... and I think we're all set." Claire says, handing a clipboard to Zayn who scans it over. It didn't have the seating chart on it, but Zayn already knew that. They had the seating chart sitting at home, Louis still going over it because he wasn't exactly sure what he wanted. Zayn shows the clipboard to Louis who nods in agreement after scanning it over himself.

"Everything looks great, Claire. Thank you." Zayn says, handing the clipboard back to Claire. 

"It's no problem whatsoever. Just send me the seating chart when you've got that done. You guys have a great day." Claire says, waving goodbye and placing a soft kiss onto Quinn's forehead before leaving the couple alone in the room. Zayn looks over at Louis, smiling at how Louis was still looking at the room in complete amazement. Louis starts to walk down the aisle, looking from left to right. Zayn just continues to watch him, his smile a fond one as he watches Louis walk down the aisle. 

"Is it everything you've ever imagined?" Zayn asks, breaking the silence that had fallen over the room. Louis stops walking, turning around so that he's facing Zayn. He has a smile of his own on his face, nodding a little as he walks back over to Zayn. 

"It's perfect, Zayn. Everything I've ever wanted." Louis whispers, kissing Zayn softly. Zayn continues to grin, wrapping his arms around Louis and pulling him close only to have Quinn let out a loud shriek at that. Zayn chuckles before leaning down to nuzzle his nose with Quinn's. Quinn giggles at that, grabbing at Zayn's face before he kisses her cheek.

"Silly little baby, you sure don't like it when we don't pay attention to you." Zayn coos, pulling away from Quinn. Louis is smiling fondly at Zayn, earning a look from the older.

"What?" Zayn asks, standing up straight.

"Nothing, just realizing how lucky I am to have you." Louis whispers.

"If anyone's lucky... It's me." 



first chapter ending be on poiiiiiint

So like, I really hope that this wedding doesn't seem rushed. I don't really want this book to just focus solely on the wedding, there's other stuff that I want to include so I'm getting the wedding out of the way haha.

Dedication goes to all of you cause you're still here. Book number four bitcccccccccchs.

QOTC: just comment your fave thing about this chapter haha. I'm too tired to think of a question. 




Connie xx 

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