thirty-one: the big reveal

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thirty-one: the big reveal

"Nathan, stop touching that." Zayn says for what already felt like the millionth time since they'd gotten to the hospital. Louis bites down on his bottom lip as he tries to surpass his laughter, the feeling to say I told you so  starting to surface when Nathan goes to reach for the machine yet again. Zayn lets out a sigh as he grabs Nathan and sits him down on the bed next to Louis. Nathan didn't like that though, letting out a scream of protest as he tries to slide off only to have Louis hold him on the bed. Ethan rolls his eyes at his brother's tantrum and goes back to playing with Quinn in the corner of the room. 

"Nathan, you need to listen to Daddy. He said not to touch anything and that's why you're sitting here with me." Louis says, keeping his voice calm as Nathan continues to throw his tantrum. Louis lets out a sigh as he looks over at Zayn who had a rather unpleased expression on his face already. 

"I asked if you wanted to bring them..." Louis says nonchalantly and Zayn rolls his eyes. Louis couldn't help but let out a small laugh, mainly due to the fact that Ethan looked exactly like Zayn when he did that. Nathan seems to stop his tantrum after a few more seconds, continuing to pout but at least he wasn't screaming anymore. It wasn't long before Louis' doctor walked in, greeting everyone with a smile and a wave. 

"Well it looks like we've brought the whole bunch today." She says, sitting down in her chair after washing her hands. She moves her chair closer to Louis and the ultrasound machine before she gestures at Louis to move up his shirt. 

"I'm starting to regret it, if I'm being honest." Zayn says, letting out a groan when he notices Nathan had slid off the bed and was once again reaching for the very expensive equipment. Louis' nurse laughed at that as Zayn pulls Nathan onto his lap. Nathan didn't put up much a fuss this time, more curious about what was going on with the screen than he was in touching the machine. Nathan's eyes widen when she turns on the machine, completely mesmerized by it. Louis' doctor places some gel onto Louis' bare stomach and it didn't take her very long to find the babies. Nathan lets out a gasp when the very loud and fast thudding filled the room. 

"Daddy, what that?" Nathan asks, looking around the room for the source but he came up empty. Zayn's grip on Nathan tightens as he moves a little closer, leaning towards the machine and pointing at the two blobs on the screen. 

"That's your siblings." Zayn says and Nathan's mouth forms a perfect O before his eyebrows scrunched together.

"No it is not. My siblings there..." Nathan says, pointing over where Ethan and Quinn were playing. Ethan looks up at that, a confused expression on his face as he too hears the sounds coming from the machine. He tentatively moves over to where Zayn is, crawling onto his lap as well. 

"Well, it's your new siblings. You're getting two new siblings in a few months..." Zayn says, looking over at Louis who's just watching the exchange with a smile. 

"Why? I did not ask." 

"I know you didn't, but your mummy and I decided we wanted them." Zayn tries to explain but it wasn't really registering into Nathan's mind. Nathan shakes his head, folding his arms over his chest as he glares at the screen now.

"I do not want. Already have Ethan and Sister. Do not need more." Nathan says stubbornly, earning a sigh from Zayn because arguing with Nathan nowadays was like arguing with a wall. 

"I be big brother again?" Ethan's voice sounds out, a little timid as he looks at Zayn who really needed a break from his oldest. Zayn turns his attention from Nathan to Ethan, a soft smile on his face as he nods. Ethan still looks unsure, biting down on his bottom lip like Louis always did. 

"Yes, you get two new siblings." Zayn says, looking at Louis' doctor who's attention was solely on the screen. 

"You've indeed got two very healthy babies in there... I'm not sure what gender they are yet but I can make a pretty good guess if you'd like to know." She says, moving the wand around a little before looking over at both Zayn and Louis. 

"I don't mind knowing... " Louis says slowly, looking over at Zayn who also nods. 

"Hit us, Doc." Zayn says, grinning rather largely as the doctor lets out a laugh. The room falls quiet for a moment, everyone except for Quinn and Nathan looking intently at the screen. 

"Well, I would say baby A is a boy and baby B is a girl..." 

"I do not need another brother." Nathan grumbles, earning laughs from all the adults. Nathan continues to scowl while Ethan excitedly stares at the screen now, chanting about how he was going to have his own little brother now. Louis is smiling from ear to ear, even though he's more than a little nervous about having three boys in the house now... He'd secretly been hoping for two girls since Quinn was so far his easiest baby. Zayn couldn't be happier, in fact it was probably the happiest he'd felt since he married Louis. 






it's been forever again. I'm sorry.... Remember how I said I was sick last week and how I finally felt better when I finally updated? It was a lie, not even a day later I was pretty much bed ridden with a nasty ass cough the made me feel like I was quite literally dying.... Almost had to go to the hospital cause I couldn't breathe, but I'm better now (I still have the cough but it's not as severe).... Hopefully, we will see cause Connie's immune system doesn't work worth shit. 

ANYWAYS, genders have been revealed. I have the names picked out already... but let's play a little guessing game. I'll give you the initials, you guys guess the names and whoever gets it right gets the next dedication!

So the initials are:

Boy: M.L.M (robbie, you can't guess this one cause you already know and that isn't fair.)

Girl: A.C.M

may the odds ever be in your favor.

Dedication goes to NarryMyZouis

QOTC: can't think of one... so comment your fave thing about this chapter?




Connie xx 

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