sixteen: finders keepers

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sixteen: finders keepers

When Louis wakes up the next morning, he's surprised to see three children fast asleep in the bed next to him but Zayn wasn't anywhere to be seen. Louis bites down on his bottom lip, looking towards the bathroom in hopes that maybe that's where Zayn was but the door was wide open. Louis tries to move out of the bed without waking up any of the kids, but with Ethan fast asleep on his chest and Nathan curled up into his other side it was a lot easier said than done. 

Both of the twins were light sleepers and if they didn't wake up on their own terms, they were grumpy as hell for the rest of the day which was something that Louis was already in no mood to deal with.. Quinn was the only one who wasn't clutching onto Louis for dear life, fast asleep in Zayn's spot so it was safe to say she'd slept on Zayn's chest last night. Louis wasn't even sure how Quinn and Nathan got into the bed, Ethan had been the only one when he'd gone to sleep... Zayn must've brought them in when he got out of bed or something. 

Eventually Louis got sick of waiting for the kids to wake up, letting out a soft sigh as he tries to move but Ethan didn't seem to like that.Louis moves out of the bed even if he has to climb over Nathan, who lets out a loud whine. Louis holds his breath, nervous that he'd woken him up but Nathan made no other sign to show he'd woken up. Ethan rolls into Louis' old spot and Nathan curls up into Ethan's side instead. Louis smiles softly at the scene before walking out of the bedroom and towards Zayn's office where he knew for a fact Zayn would be. 

Even when he took time away from the office, Zayn was always working. Louis could hear Zayn typing away on his computer before he even opened the door and Louis half tempted to just leave him be. When Louis opens the door, Zayn's focus is solely on his computer, a frustrated expression on his face as he grabs one of the stacks of paper off the desk. Louis walks into the room, standing at the edge of Zayn's desk but Zayn doesn't look up for a moment.

"Is everything alright?" Louis asks, getting a sudden sense of deja vu as it had been Zayn asking him the same question last night. Zayn looks up from the papers, blinking as if he wasn't quite sure if Louis was actually there or not. Truth be told, Zayn hadn't slept at all last night. After receiving that text from Liam, he couldn't bring himself too... So instead he brought Quinn and Nathan into the bed to keep Louis company while Zayn tried to figure out how the hell he was going to deal with Liam. 

"I left for one week and it's all shot to hell." Zayn says, shaking his head as he leans back in his chair. He tosses the paper back down, letting out a groan as he places his head in his hands and pulls at his hair in frustration. 

"What's shot to hell?" Louis asks, taking a cautious step towards Zayn. It had been quite some time since Louis had seen Zayn this frustrated, in fact he hadn't seen Zayn like this since Liam told them he was no longer going to be a bother.

"There's this deal that was supposed to go down last week while we were on our honeymoon, I trusted someone else to take care of it for me but now the other company wants to back out. I have to fly into Seattle on Sunday to try and convince them otherwise.... I really need these guys to sign that damn contract." 

"Sunday as in... this Sunday?" Louis whispers and Zayn lets out a loud groan as he nods, running a hand over his face before he shuts his laptop. 

"Yeah, it's honestly the last thing I want to deal with right now... so what do you guys feel like doing today? Let's get out of the house, enjoy ourselves as a family... maybe tell the kids about the new babies?" Zayn offers, standing up from his desk and walking towards Louis and wrapping his arms around Louis. Louis gives Zayn a wary smile, still feeling a little uneasy. Something was off about Zayn and it didn't just have to do with a business deal being shot to hell. There was something else, something that Zayn was deliberately not telling Louis. 

"Okay, but the kids are still asleep." Louis says, choosing to let it go for the time being. There was no use in talking to Zayn when he was this stressed out.

"Perfect... That gives me time to run to the office real fast and drop off yesterday's paperwork and grab today's..." Zayn says, already letting go of Louis and walking towards the door before Louis could even say a word. Louis doesn't follow after him and out of pure curiosity walks over to the desk. It was covered in papers and Louis didn't understand how Zayn was able to keep track of anything on that desk... A disk stuck out like a sore thumb among the mess and Louis can't help but pull it out of it's small little hiding place. A frown finds it's way onto his face when he see's the note attached to it on the bottom.

As promised, here's the footage.

Love, Mum. 



there's chapter sixteen.


Dedication goes to Malum_Larry_Trash1

QOTC: what do you guys think is going to happen next? ;)




Connie xx

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