thirty-five: statements

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thirty-five: statements

"And when was the last time you saw your husband?" The officer asks Zayn for what already felt like the millionth time. Zayn's trying his hardest not to get angry, he knows that he's just doing his job but he honestly felt like they weren't getting anywhere. The police had been here for nearly two hours, they'd taken Zayn's statement already, they'd taken pictures and evidence but they kept asking Zayn about where he'd been. So Zayn lets out another sigh before pinching the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes as he does so. 

"This morning before I left for a meeting. He was in the kitchen with the kids." Zayn says, earning a nod from the officer as he writes what he says down. 

"And what happened when you got home?" 

"Well, the first thing I noticed was the fact that the front door was wide open. Louis always keeps it locked when I'm not home, he doesn't feel very safe unless it is. When I went inside, I couldn't help but feel a little worried when I noticed that no one was downstairs. The kids are usually up from their nap around the time I got home, but the house was really quiet. I uh... I couldn't find Louis... So I called his phone which lead me into the living room... and that's when I noticed the broken lamp and the blood." Zayn says, clenching his eyes shut as he feels the panic start to bubble up again. 

"And what happened after that?"

"I followed the way the footprints went and found my son Ethan bleeding. When the kids didn't know where Louis was, I had no choice but to call you guys." Zayn whispers, looking towards over at the kids who were quietly playing on the floor. Ethan's foot was all bandaged up now and Nathan was being very protective of his little brother. When the officer finishes writing down what Zayn had said, he looks up from his notepad. 

"You said Louis didn't feel safe... Can you explain why that is?" 

"My step-brother Liam has been terrorizing us for over a year now. Louis feels safer keeping the doors locked and I feel safer too." Zayn says, earning a nod from the officer. 

"Have you reported any of the instances involving your step brother?" 


"Why not?" 

"Does it matter?" Zayn asks, his patience now gone because he didn't see the relevance. 


"Because I honestly didn't want to go through the trouble of contacting you guys only to have you tell me that there was nothing you could do. Liam hasn't made a single threat towards Louis or our family in over a month, he wouldn't do this." Zayn says, glaring as the officer gives him a look. 

"Are you aware that his son, Easton is missing?" The officer asks and Zayn sits up straight because no, he didn't know that. 

"When... when did that happen?" He asks, clearing his throat. 

"This morning. So are you still thinking Mr. Payne wouldn't do this?" 

"I don't know, alright? All I know is that my husband, who's pregnant by the way, is missing and you sitting here asking me the same questions over and over again isn't helping anyone. I don't know if Liam would do this, I wouldn't put it past him. So go ahead and look for him, but don't be surprised when he's just another dead end." Zayn says, letting out another sigh before standing up from his spot on the couch. 

"Now, I would appreciate it if you'd leave now. I need to feed my kids and get them ready for bed." Zayn says, pointing at the door. The officer nods before standing up himself.

"If we find any information, we will be sure to let you know." He says before leaving the Malik home. The moment the door shut, Zayn couldn't keep his tears at bay anymore. He lets them fall down his cheeks silently as he takes a deep breath, looking around the room as if it would provide some sort of distraction. He didn't want the boys to see him like this, he didn't want to worry them, he had to stay strong if not for himself but for them. 

"Daddy, Daddy?" Nathan is pulling at Zayn's hand, looking up at him with worried blue eyes. Zayn bites back a sob, covering it with a smile as he bends down to Nathan's level and ruffles his hair. 

"What do you want for dinner?" Zayn asks, clearing his throat but his voice still strains a little as he speaks. Nathan doesn't really answer his question, only shrugging as he continues to look at Zayn. Zayn tries not to laugh at how similar his expression was to Louis' when he was worried. 

"How about mac and cheese? You like that, don't you?" Zayn asks, earning another shrug from Nathan who goes back to his worried expression in a matter of seconds.

"Are you mad? I is sorry about baby brother. Did not mean." Nathan whispers, biting down on his bottom lip when Zayn lets out a soft laugh at that. He gives his son a sympathetic smile before pulling Nathan into his arms for a hug. 

"I'm not mad, Nathan. What happened to Ethan wasn't your fault, okay?" Zayn whispers, pulling away from the hug and moving the hair out of Nathan's eyes. 

"Otay, Daddy. I want mac and cheese." Nathan says and Zayn smiles a little at that. He couldn't very well pretend like everything was okay, but for now he could at least focus on the kids. 


annnnd that's chapter thirty-five.

whoopity doo da.

anyways, Style got nominated in a bromance awards thingy hosted by boyxboyawards, if you guys wanna go vote you can haha.

dedication goes to KimmiBear2412

QOTC: can't really think of one haha.




connie xx 

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