twenty-one: a business trip

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twenty-one: a business trip

The next day, Louis still wasn't talking to Zayn and Zayn was starting to grow sick of it all. He understood why Louis was pissed, but it had been a full twenty-four hours and Louis was absolutely refusing to speak to him now even if he was standing at the front door with two suitcases in hands. In the midst of all this family drama, Zayn had forgotten that he was due in Seattle and unfortunately there was no way for Zayn to get out of it. Zayn was hoping that Louis would at least say goodbye, but there he was sitting in the kitchen acting like Zayn didn't even exist. The boys were sitting in the living room, coloring in their books while Quinn was eating break fast in the kitchen. It was like no one cared that Zayn was leaving, a complete change from the last time he went on a business trip. So Zayn lets out a sigh, walking into the kitchen to see Louis feeding Quinn. 

"I'm leaving now... I'll uh... I'll call you when I land I suppose." Zayn says, but Louis doesn't even acknowledge the fact that Zayn had said anything.

"I love you." Zayn tries again, letting out an annoyed sigh this time when Louis still pretends like Zayn isn't even there. Zayn decides that it's not worth the fight at that point, so he kisses the top of Quinn's head and gives Louis one last hopeful look before he walks into the living room. Zayn goes to the boys and kisses both of them on top of the head, earning a screech from Nathan and a kiss on his cheek from Ethan.

"Love you, Daddy. I will miss you." Ethan says and that brings a smile to Zayn's face. 

"I'll miss you too, take care of your mum for me." Zayn says, standing back up. He walks towards the door, turning back around for just one more look. He's a little surprised when he sees Louis standing in the doorway of the kitchen with Quinn on his hip. He still doesn't say anything, but he waves at Zayn as he leaves. Once the door is closed, Louis felt the guilty feeling in the pit of his stomach. He should've told him that he at least loved him, even if he was pissed as hell at him... Louis still loved Zayn and he was going to miss him for the next few days. 

"Mummy, I take care of you so do not cry." Ethan says, surprising Louis a little by wrapping his arms around his legs and looked up at him with a grin. Louis hadn't even realized he was crying until Ethan had said that and he did his best to smile. He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand before crouching down next to Ethan with a little difficulty due to Quinn being in his arms. 

"Thank you, I feel much better now." Louis whispers, putting Quinn down so he could wrap Ethan up in a hug. Ethan giggled when Louis buries his face into the crook of his neck, patting at Louis' head as if that was going to make Louis feel better. That's what Zayn always did for Ethan when he felt sad, so why wouldn't it work for Louis?

"I love you, Mummy." Ethan says, placing a rather sloppy kiss onto Louis' cheek. Louis laughs softly, pulling his head back to return Ethan's gesture.

"I love you too, very much so. Now how about you and your brother go get dressed and we can go visit Grandma." Louis says, kissing Ethan on the cheek again before letting the three year old go. Ethan nods eagerly before crouching back down with Nathan and tugging on his older brother's arm. 

"C'mon Nate, we go see Grandma." Ethan says excitedly, earning an eye roll from Nathan before he stands up from his spot on the floor. He wasn't near as excited as Ethan was, who took off running towards the stairs while Nathan just trailed slowly behind him. Quinn lets out a squeal of disbelief when she notices her brothers were leaving her behind. Louis chuckles a little before scooping Quinn back up and following the twins up the stairs, but he goes into Quinn's room instead of the twins'. Louis got Quinn dressed rather quickly, something that didn't normally happen because Quinn wasn't a big fan of clothes but Louis had found compromise with dresses. Once Quinn was dressed, Louis picked her back up and walked towards the boys room only to have both of them come running out. Ethan is laughing hysterically, ducking behind Louis as Nathan glares at his younger brother. 

"I say no tag backs." Ethan giggles out when Nathan tries to reach him but Ethan ducks out of the way before he gets the chance. Nathan continues to glare at Ethan, folding his arms over his chest before shaking his head. Sometimes it amazed Louis at how old Nathan acted, especially with the fact he was only three. 

"C'mon boys... Let's get going." Louis says, already walking towards the stairs with the boys trailing not too far behind him. Louis grabs Quinn's diaper bag once they reach the bottom of the stairs, waiting patiently for the boys to slip on their shoes. Once that was done, Louis opened the front door, only to stop in his tracks when he sees someone standing on the front porch, someone that made Louis' blood run cold. 



no chill. 

i have no chill.

but you guys should forgive me cause it was my birthday like an hour ago when i first started to write this. 

so there we go. 

dedication goes to Niall_Take_A_chonce

QOTC: so, why do you guys think Liam is back? (besides obvious drama for Connie)




Connie xx 

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