twenty-six: elevators

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twenty-six: elevators

"Nathan, stop running." Louis calls after his oldest, rolling his eyes when Nathan doesn't seem to listen to him. Ethan goes to run with him, but Louis' grip on his hand tightened before he got the chance. Nathan is waiting somewhat impatiently at the elevators, jumping up and down as he lets out a loud groan when he notices just how far away his family was. He presses the button when Louis finally makes it, still jumping up and down as he waited for the elevator.

"Why is it no here?" Nathan groans out, throwing his head back dramatically as he stomps one of his feet. Ethan gives him a look, mainly due to the fact that he found it a little odd that Nathan was acting like this. 

"Nate, you silly." Ethan says, shaking his head a little when Nathan lets out another loud groan before pressing the button to the elevator excessively.  

"Calm down, Nathan. You'll see your father in just a few minutes." Louis says, rolling his eyes when Nathan continues to press the button. Normally Louis would grab Nathan's hand, but right now Louis' own hands were a little full with Quinn and Ethan. It takes another minute for the elevator to show up and when it does Louis really wished it hadn't. Liam and Trisha were both there, seeming to be in a rather heated argument when the doors opened. Louis out of instinct grabbed Nathan with the hand he was using to hold onto Ethan's, pulling at his shirt which earns a whine from the three year old.

"Mummy, no." Nathan whines, pulling at Louis' hand which only draws Liam and Trisha's attention to the small family. Louis visibly pales when Liam's eyes fall onto him and his grip on all the kids gets a little tighter. Liam doesn't say a word, walking out of the elevator with a smirk on his face. Louis watches him warily, his heart stopping when Liam holds up a disc. 

"I win, darling." Liam whispers as he walks past, leaving Louis and Trisha standing in a very awkward silence. Trisha clears her throat after a moment before she too pushes past Louis and leaves. 

"Mummy, we go see Daddy?" Ethan's voice is what breaks the silence, causing Louis to blink and come back to reality. Louis clears his throat before nodding, allowing Nathan to lead him into the elevator. Louis' heart is racing as the elevator goes up to Zayn's floor. Zayn is waiting in the main lobby of his floor when the elevator arrives, a bright smile on his face. It only grows bigger when the twins come rushing at him, throwing their little arms around him as he scoops them both up in his outstretched arms. His smile fades a little when he notices the worried expression on Louis' face.

"What's wrong?" Zayn asks, standing up with a little difficulty as the twins both refused to let go of him. He holds one twin in each arm as he walks over to Louis, looking at him with concern as Louis takes a deep breath. 

"Why didn't you tell me you were giving Liam the disc?" Louis asks, keeping his voice calm because he was sure there was some sort of explanation for this. 

"It was sort of a spur of the moment thing to get him to back off... I know what I'm doing though, so I'm going to need you to trust me.I'll tell you what's going on, but not right now. Okay?" Zayn says, hoping that he was being somewhat reassuring. Things were just starting to get back on track with Louis, he was really hoping that this wasn't going to set them back again. Louis takes a deep breath before he nods, running his free hand through his hair. 

"Alright, let's get out of here..." Louis says after a minute, giving Zayn a tight smile. Zayn returns it, walking over to Louis and pressing a soft kiss on his cheek. Both Nathan and Ethan make gagging noises, which earns an eye roll from both of their parents. 

"Everything's gonna be alright, I love you." Zayn whispers, his smile actually genuine now as the twins start pulling faces at each other. Zayn puts them back down on their feet, but allows them to continue to hold his hands. 

"I love you too... and I really hope you're right, I don't think I can take much more of this if I'm being completely honest." Louis whispers back, biting down on his bottom lip as Zayn presses the button for the elevator with much difficulty. The elevator showed up after only a few seconds and the small family climbed inside. Nathan let go of Zayn's hand at that point and then proceeds to press every single floor button. Louis and Zayn were too distracted by looking at each other to notice. 

"Look Daddy, Christmas tree!" Ethan shrieks, pointing excitedly over at the buttons. Louis looks away from Zayn, his mouth dropping open. 

"Nathan Gabriel, you're so grounded when we get home." Louis says, keeping his voice stern as Nathan just looked at him with a bright grin. Zayn can't help the small laugh that surpasses his lips and he instantly regrets it when Louis turns to glare at him.

"Something funny, Malik?" Louis asks, his voice still holding that stern tone to it as Zayn tries not to burst into a fit of laughter. 

"He's your son, there's no doubt about it." Zayn manages to get out after a minute, earning another glare from Louis but he could see the small smile starting to form on Louis' lips. 



this chapter took three days to write.

i cry.

dedication goes to LarryLoverSince2010

QOTC: don't have one... so i guess just comment your favorite thing about this chapter. 




connie xx

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