fifteen: naked babies

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fifteen: naked babies

"I no go to bed!" Nathan screeches, causing Zayn to jump a little at the sound. Zayn turns in the direction of the bathroom, holding back a laugh when Nathan comes running out of the room stark naked. Zayn jumps out of the way as the three year old, really trying not to laugh now because he knew that he'd wake Quinn up if he did. 

"Nathan Gabriel, get back here." Louis calls after him, walking out of the bathroom soaking wet and a giggling Ethan in his arms. Nathan stops running, turning to look at Louis before sticking out his tongue. Zayn couldn't help the laugh that surfaced at that point, only to regret it seconds later. Louis didn't have a very happy expression on his face and he turns his glare from his eldest son to Zayn. Nathan took that as an opportunity to run off again, only to stop at the end of the hallway when he realized that Louis wasn't following after him. 

"You think that's funny?" Louis asks, continuing to glare at Zayn as he stands like a deer caught in the headlights. Zayn wasn't sure what it was, but ever since they'd gotten home from the hospital Louis had been in some sort of mood. 

"Um... No?" Zayn lies in hopes of not getting Louis any angrier, biting down on his bottom lip as he tries not to smile. He's not doing a very good job though and Louis continues to glare at him. 

"Mummy, come and get me." Nathan taunts, shaking his butt and grinning from ear to ear. Louis wasn't having it though, practically shoving Ethan into Zayn's arms as he starts going after Nathan. Nathan lets out a shriek when Louis makes a grab for him and the three year old practically runs down the stairs with Louis going after him. 

"Nate silly, Daddy." Ethan giggles, burying his face into the fluffy towel Louis had wrapped him in. 

"Very silly, ready for your medicine?" Zayn asks, already walking towards his and Louis' bedroom where the defibrillator was. Ethan shakes his head, grimacing a little when he sees the machine sitting on the bed. 

"I no want." Ethan whines as Zayn sits him down on the bed, scooting away from Zayn and towards the headboard when Zayn reaches for the small mask. Zayn lets out a sigh as he sits down on the bed next to Ethan, giving him a sympathetic look as he runs his hands through his wet hair. 

"I know you don't, but it helps you feel better."

"I no like it, make Nate do it." Ethan says, cringing into Zayn's side when Zayn turns on the machine. It had been nearly six months and Ethan was still terrified of the sound. 

"Nate doesn't need to take the medicine." Zayn says quietly, already feeling bad but the defeated expression on Ethan's face made him feel even worse. 

"Why? It is not fair." 

"I know it's not... but I promise that if you take your medicine, you can sleep in here with Mummy and I tonight." Zayn says, holding the mask up for Ethan to take. Ethan gives him a wary look before he takes the mask away from Zayn. Louis comes back into their bedroom as soon as Ethan finishes, his expression still one that was less than pleased. Zayn could hear the sound of Nathan crying from down the hall, which causes Zayn to look at Louis curiously. 

"Why is he crying?" Zayn asks, standing up from the bed and Louis takes a deep breath. 

"Because I made him put on a pair of pajamas and I told him that he was going to bed. Why is Ethan not dressed?" 

"I was more focused on getting him to take his treatment instead of getting him ready for bed." Zayn says, reaching for the sleepy three year old but decides to just leave him be for the meantime. He'd get him dressed in a minute. 

"Are you alright?" Zayn asks, looking at Louis with concern as the younger of the two bites down on his bottom lip rather harshly. Louis lets out another sigh, running a hand through his hair.

"Fine. I'm fine. I'm gonna take a shower and head to bed..." Louis whispers, already walking towards the bathroom. Zayn grabs reaches for his hand before he makes it though, stopping him in his tracks. 

"What's wrong?" 

"I'm just tired... It's been a long day." Louis says, earning a frown from Zayn. Louis walks into the bathroom at that point, leaving Zayn alone in the room with Ethan fast asleep on the bed. Zayn lets out a sigh before standing up from the bed and walking towards the twins bedroom. Nathan wasn't crying anymore once Zayn walked in, which Zayn was grateful for. Zayn was careful to be quiet as he grabbed Ethan's clothes, kissing the top of Nathan's head before walking back to his own room. Louis was still in the shower when Zayn got back and he was making no sign of getting out even after Zayn had gotten not only Ethan but himself ready for bed. With a heavy sigh, Zayn climbed into bed and pulled the sleeping three year old close to his side. Just as Zayn starts to get comfortable, he hears his phone go off. 

From: unknown Received: 10:11 PM 

stop looking for me, Zayn. This won't end well for you. 


woohoo for drama. Holla holla.

Anyways, thank you guys so much for 7k. I'll be doing a twitcam on Saturday night for sure... probably around nine my time which is mountain time. I'll post a link on my profile and I'll probably post a little AN about it when I do it haha. 

Also in celebration of reaching 7k, I posted my first ever just normal boyxboy story. It's called Sour Grapes. This is the cover:

And this is the description:

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And this is the description:

"Life is full of mistakes, it's full of heartache and tears, it's full of bullshit and regrets but you know what? That's just what life is. It's about learning from your mistakes and growing from them instead of letting them hold you back. You can't change the past, no matter how badly you wish you could because that's life and I'm sorry that you can't seem to understand that."

Levi Thomas was only seventeen when he fell in love for the first and what he thought was going to be the only time, only to have his heart broken a few months later for what he was hoping was the first and last time. By the time he was twenty-one, Levi had fallen in love and had his heart torn out of his chest more times than he could count. After his current boyfriend of nearly two years dumps him on his twenty-third birthday, Levi decides enough is enough and that maybe it's time to take a break from searching for Mr. Right... That is until his ex-boyfriend Ryker comes back to town.

It would mean a lot to me if you guys checked it out and left some feedback :)

So yeah... 

Dedication goes to BreakHisHeart

QOTC: i can't think of one currently... so I guess just comment your fave thing about this chapter I suppose haha. 




Connie xx 

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