eleven: pizza and the guilty confessions

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eleven: pizza and the guilty confessions 

"We should've went with the waffles." Louis says after about an hour, frowning as he takes another bite of the pizza Zayn had ordered. Zayn looks at Louis from his spot on the bed, quirking an eyebrow as he does so.

"Did you really just say that?" Zayn asks, completely taken aback by the fact that Louis would much rather have waffles over pizza. It was nearly three in the afternoon, waffles were the last thing on Zayn's mind.

"What? Baby wants waffles." Louis shrugs, taking another bite of his pizza which makes him grimaces. Louis puts the rest of the slice back into the box before laying down onto his stomach, looking at Zayn as he finishes his food.

"Are you done?" Zayn says as he's already swinging his legs off the bed. Louis lets out a sigh as he nods, rolling onto his back. Zayn grabs the box off the bed and takes it towards the mini fridge. Zayn knew it was only going to be about another hour before Louis got hungry again and knowing Louis he's going to want the pizza. Zayn doesn't take long in joining Louis back on the bed, wrapping his arms around Louis and burying his face into Louis' neck.

"Sleepy?" Zayn whispers, earning a soft nod from Louis as he turns around so he can bury his face into Zayn's chest.

"Exhausted, but I don't want to sleep. We should be enjoying our time without the kids... Who knows how long it's gonna be." Louis whispers back, letting out a breath through his nose. Zayn smiles softly, kissing the top of Louis' head before tightening his grip around him.

"We still have another day, I think you're allowed to sleep for a little while. You're always on the go, babe. Enjoy your time off, you deserve it." Zayn says and Louis smiles softly at that.

"We're not getting a dog." Louis says after a minute, earning a chuckle from Zayn

"I didn't think we would. Getting a dog wouldn't be good for Ethan's asthma and we just got that somewhat under control. I would much rather not risk it, besides they're getting another sibling. That's close enough right?"

"I suppose... but I don't think they're going to be as excited about another baby versus a dog."

"What makes you say that?"

"Well, babies can only do so much. Quinn is just barely getting to the point where she can play with the boys and even then she can't do half of what they do." Louis says, starting to play with his hands. Zayn lets go of Louis' waist, propping himself up on elbow as he looks down at Louis.

"I think they'll be excited. I mean, the boys weren't around Quinn when she was first born so you don't know how they'll react around a new baby. Quinn was at least six months old when you came back." Zayn says and Louis bites his bottom lip. He could feel that guilty feeling in the pit of his stomach coming back, the feeling one that Louis had almost forgotten.

"I'm sorry." Louis ends up whispering, refusing to look at Zayn for a moment.

"About what?"

"Everything. I'm sorry for all the bullshit I put you through, all the bullshit I put the boys through. I know you've forgiven me already, but I still can't help but feel guilty every time it's brought up." Zayn lets out a sigh, shaking his head a little as he looks at Louis. He moves his hand to brush the hair out of Louis' eyes before leaning in to kiss the younger lad softly on the lips. Louis still looks sad though, which in turn makes Zayn feel sad as well.

"It's all history, babe. I'm not saying it doesn't matter because in a way it's shaped us into who we are now... but honestly what's done is done, there's nothing neither you or I can do to change it. Everything happens for a reason Lou, and I like to think that if it hadn't been for all the bullshit... we wouldn't be laying here together right now. Shit happens, life sucks, but right now all that matters is this moment. I love you, Louis. Despite all the bullshit." Zayn whispers, looking Louis directly in the eyes just so the younger knew how serious he was being. The corners of Louis' mouth twitch a little as he tries not to smile, which in turn makes Zayn smile fondly at him. Zayn couldn't really explain it, but everything in that moment felt right. Almost like he really had been waiting all his life for it, to see Louis laying there in front of him with his beautiful blue eyes shinning as he fights back a smile... It was like his whole world was right there in front of him, which of course was only slightly true due to the fact that the other three members of his world were back home but that didn't stop Zayn from feeling complete. It had taken him three years to get to this point, three years for him to finally be able to look at Louis and know for a fact Louis was his and that he wasn't going anywhere.

And to Zayn, those three years were worth it. He wouldn't change them for anything because in the end, he still had his family.

That was all that Zayn cared about. 


there is literally so much fluff in this story that I'm about to puke rainbows and kittens tbh. If you guys have been reading my work for a while now, you know I hardly write fluff haha.

Dedication goes to bust_a_nut_bltch

QOTC: can't think of one so just comment your favorite thing about this chapter




Connie xx 

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