Q u e s t i o n : quick authors note

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W a r n i n g : In advance I'd like to say sorry for the patheticness you're about to witness because it's pretty low and desperate even for me

Hey guys, I need your honest opinion here...
Do you think this book is -or could be once it's been edited- good enough to publish? I've been thinking about trying to get it published but I'm honestly terrified it will just be rejected. So I need some honest feedback here because if it's not, it would just break my heart having it rejected.
I already have bad anxiety as it is, so I'm afraid this could effect my writing. I tend to give up on things if I know they won't bring me anywhere but heart break and if that happened with writing I would be completely lost. So if you seriously don't think I'm good enough, than please save me from doing something I'll later regret. It's one thing to write for Wattpad where readers tend to be more lenient with the imperfections, it's a whole other level to write for people who expect something nothing less than flawless.
So, if you had to buy this book to read it, would you? Or is it not worth it? Please be honest even if you think it's harsh! Thanks so much for reading xx

On another note, I've been working on book 2's plot recently and once I've sorted some stuff out, I'll be working on the first chapter! Pretty excited to start that 😍

Thanks again for all of your support and time: it really meant the world to have you guys stick with me to the very end of cov. See you soon in 'shades of obsidian' ♥️😊

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