K i s s

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W a r n i n g : More Graphicness Below!
S o n g : J u s t T o n i g h t - T h e P r e t t y R e c k l e s s

C h a p t e r XXI
V i r i d i a n

I ran my hand through my hair agitatedly as I laid in the darkness of my room. I couldn't find Miguel anywhere and I had a terrible feeling in my gut. It felt like it was strangling me from the inside, twisting me up like a pretzel.

"F*ck it." I growled, sitting up. I didn't care if it made me weak to worry about a human. I was worried. I couldn't stop it even if I wanted to.

Grumbling about how Kenna better not be dying or I'd finish her off myself for not listening to me, I quickly threw on a shirt. With a sigh of defeat I left my house, standing at the black gates in less than a flash. I would just check to see if she was okay. I would leave right away when I saw she was fine.

The air was distinctly sweet as I walked passed the drunken college kids to the campus pool everyone seemed to be at. My eyes swept the place looking for the familiar brown haired and porcelain skinned short girl. Instead I caught the eye of emerald jewels.

Kenna's roommate.

I crossed the distance between us right away, "Where's Kenna?" I asked firmly, frowning suddenly as the air grew more sweeter. I couldn't make it out from all of the sweaty intoxicated hormone reeking humans, it was making my smell off.

I sneered annoyedly while Stephanie smiled at me, "Jade, right?"


"Where's Kenna?" I asked again, my bad feeling growing as every kid I saw wasn't the one I was looking for.

"Oh, she's in our dorm," she rolled her eyes with an amused smile, "she's probably the only one not here. Here I'll walk you." She grabbed my arm, clearly having drunk too much as she leaned heavily into me.

Kenna was alone? So she didn't listen to me. Stupid girl. I was going to-

My thoughts froze as I finally got a good smell of the air. Blood. Lots of it. And it was Kenna's blood.

"Stay here." I growled furiously at the curly haired girl, leaving her in an instant as I flashed up to where the smell was thickly rolling off in strong waves.

I crashed the door in, my eyes adjusting to the darkness instantly. Kenna was lying in her bed soaked in her own blood, the entire side of her neck ripped open as it gushed out the little blood left in her small body. She wasn't breathing and I couldn't make out the sound of her heart beating.

"No," I breathed out, grabbing her tiny limp body in my arms as she began sputtering out more of the thick redness onto her pink lips, "Kenna, you're not dying on me." I ordered as her dark hazel eyes looked up at me unseeingly.

At once I ripped into my own flesh on my wrist, pressing it desperately against her mouth. The blackened red liquid just overflowed out onto her chin, streaming down her neck as it pooled onto her unmoving chest.

"Drink it, dammit!" My hands clutched her shoulder desperately. "You can't be..." I trailed off, my ears and eyes straining for any sign of life in her. "Kenna, you can't be dead!" I shook my head, refusing it. I couldn't have been too late. She couldn't be dead. "Wake the f*ck up!" I grasped her bloodied pale face, feeling my blood turn into shards of ice that speared my insides.

My lips crashed down onto hers desperately. Wake up, Kenna. Wake up. Please...just wake up. Her blood spilled into my mouth, making me pull away from her; feeling the rage burn my insides until flames were devouring me as her warm blood dripped down my skin in a stream.

I wasn't supposed to taste her sweet essence again like this. Not like this. I was supposed to kiss her and she was supposed to kiss me back. It was going to be soft and gentle and she wouldn't be.....


I wrapped an arm under her knees and waist; picking her up. I watched helplessly as her head fell back lifelessly, her bloody arm falling limply as I brought her off the bed.

She can't be dead.

In less than a few seconds I was standing at a rock cave, hidden deep within the forest. "Mirella!" I roared out, rage coursing through my veins dangerously, "Let me in or I swear to god I will break this damn spell and kill you and your precious f*cking Miguel!"


Kenna's dead.
So I just killed one of my characters.
This has never happened before.

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