I r r e s i s t i b l e

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S o n g : D o n t L e t M e D o w n - T h e C h a i n s m o k e r s

C h a p t e r XVIII
M a k e n n a

"What would happen if I..." I trailed off, bringing the curious clear substance towards my lips.

Before I could even process what was happening, Viridian's face was a mere breath away from mine as he took my finger into his mouth and sucked off the venom first. My eyes widened as I felt his dangerous teeth grow into two sharp points, cutting my skin in the process. Viridian's bright eyes began to darken as he captured my eyes in his, clearly tasting my blood. My entire body suddenly felt hot as I flinched back, pulling my finger out of his mouth. The vibrant red smeared across his plush pink lips. I held my breath, not knowing what he was going to do.

His lips turned up into a deadly smirk, "Don't purposely try to put yourself under my control." His deep husky voice was even more deadly as his cool breath blew into my face from the almost nonexistent distance between us.

I could feel my heart racing desperately in my chest. The blood was still hanging on his lips and it made me swallow nervously. My mind was racing with too many thoughts. I found it kind of...really hot. Actually it was extremely sexy; him trying so hard to control his hunger for me. Was that weird? Maybe it was his eyes. They were quickly turning obsidian green and they weren't leaving mine. It was becoming hard to breathe.

"I'm surprised you out of all people are saying that." I tried to break the tension, failing to do so as his cold breath continued to blow down onto my overly sensitive skin. God. He was killing me.

As if unable to hold back from it anymore, he bit his bottom lip irresistibly, pulling it into his mouth as he sucked off my blood. His eyes shut as a low animalistic groan released from the back of his throat.

I swore I died a little bit.

"You taste..." He trailed off in the most seductive voice I had ever heard. His eyes opened and they were almost completely black now as they pierced mine. "-Irresistible."

Just as I was about to feint from the intense pressure of blood pounding in my head, Saffron suddenly 'woke-up' and flew away, using the small space between us as her escape rout, blocking my vision of the God of the Damned for only a mere second.

However it was enough for Viridian to put a few trees of distance between us.

I felt myself stumble back into a tree trunk, my hands holding my hot cheeks as I shakily caught my breath. What the heck just happened? Why wasn't I scared? A vampire just tasted my blood and I was turned on from the thought of him wanting to eat me?

I was a sick person.

"I'm sorry." Viridian broke my train of thought, suddenly close enough to gently take my hand off of my face and squeeze it comfortingly. "Don't be scared..."

Scared? Oh bless his innocent little clueless soul. I was ready to attack him before he pulled away. And 'scared' he said.

"Kenna?" He was watching me with wonder and confusion in his expression.

"Hm?" I breathed out, knowing my cheeks were still blazing red.

His eyes narrowed, "You were scared, weren't you?" His darkened viridian coloured eyes swept slowly down my flustered face and body -and my god, he just didn't stop did he?

I nodded hard, "Yup. Scared. That's what I was." I forced a smile on my face, "But I'm okay now. I should probably get going-" my smile turned into a frown as a thought bubbled up, "uh...Viridian..."

"Yes?" He mirrored my expression.

"You did tell someone I was with you...right?" I cringed, already knowing the answer.

His jaw clenched, "I should probably get you back."


Jhnwdfkjncef Viri is so adorably clueless and just... poor Kenna. She literally just lost her mind.
The power of vampire seduction. T'is strong in this one. He's not even aware he's doing it.

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