A l i v e

73 12 1

S o n g : H a u n t i n g - H a l s e y

C h a p t e r LIII
V i r i d i a n

As soon as I stepped out of the house, I could sense it as the rain let up for the time being: the evilness that Kenna had been protecting everyone from for all of her life. It was devouring the land as if it were a swarm of insects that ate everything it touched. It was hungry and wanted more. Something so dark and powerful could never be satisfied until all that was left was death.

Saffrons darkened eyes widened beside me as she inched closer to my side with a whimper. "This isn't right, Vampire. This is..." She trailed off as her body trembled. "This isn't just darkness anymore. It's..."

"Alive." I finished for her, looking at her through the corner of my eye before nodding, "Can you keep up?"

She shook her head side to side knowingly, "I'll catch up later. I need to go do something first anyways." She said cryptically, urging me forward as she moved her bony shoulders around and cracked her neck one side after the other.

Ignoring my presence and fascination, she untied the back of her dress, letting the material fall to the ground as she stood comfortably in just her tattooed-like marred skin. My curiosity sparked the instant the clothes hit the floor and her tiny body began to transform, sprouting orange and red hair along her quickly minimizing body. Only a few seconds passed by the time she was sitting down on all fours at my feet as the fluffy little fox I had seen the day I had met Obsidian.

I blinked, shaking my head in slight awe from the instant controlled shift that only the most strongest of were-creatures could do in the underworld --it was a rare sight to see. "I'll head to the school first before checking out her house." I informed the beady eyed fox hurriedly before taking off, desperate to find Kenna as I shoved the fascination to the back of my mind.

The closer I got to the school, the slower I became. I could feel my energy feeding the darkness until I was struggling to even run at the normal speed of a human. The darkness had a hold on me, grasping me in its clutches like a snakes' jaw locked onto their prey --paralyzing it with the venom in its lethal bite. Everything was tight in my body, stiffening my movements so much it felt as though I was trying to push my way through the strong current of the merciless sea.

The clouds rumbled angrily above me like a drum roll of suspense. I could feel the mind chilling energy spark the air around me. The darkness only fed off the electricity, growing stronger and trying desperately to devour me along with the rest of the land.

But unless I knew Kenna was out there safe, there was no chance in hell I was giving up.

Finally having enough, my nails dug into a rotting tree trunk as I let out a vicious roar on pure instinct that shook me to the core as it ripped violently out of me. The ear splitting sound reverberated in the air against the thick choke hold of the invisible-like creature as my fangs grew into red points and my eyes blazed a bright vivid gold. The extra surge of power made the darkness back off, recoiling away in shock and fear. It was messing with the wrong guy.

The moment I was freed, I took off, flashing to the school gates instantly.

The stench of rotting corpses nearby instantly overwhelming all of my heightened senses; causing me to sneer and blow the stinking air out of my nose with the irritated shake of my head. There was so much death. What had happened? Did Kenna see this?

My eyes took in the gates, solely focusing on the footsteps I saw splattered and indented in the mud. They were obviously from after the rain stopped since they were fresh and weren't yet washed away with the water streaming down the hilly path. Plus, if I were to guess, the university was hit a few hours ago -about six give or take since the darkness was effecting everything around it; the dead seemed to be decaying twice as fast- and with the amount of blood that was pumping through the air, it told me that no one had made it out of the massacre alive. It was sickening. And alas, those footsteps proved someone saw the aftermath. My bet was on Kenna because from the way the darkness was holding such strength, the town wasn't in any better shape.

I could only imagine what my love was feeling.

I couldn't let anyone get away with hurting her. My lips curled up into a snarl as I growled and hissed lowly in a desperate rage for Kenna. Whoever or whatever was behind this, made a terrible mistake messing with my loves flawless heart. I could feel the unmistakable power rolling furiously in my body, pushing to be set free the moment I saw the culprit.

They were as dead as the humans they ripped ruthlessly apart. Their merciless actions would be the very act I used against them as I tore them apart slowly and agonizingly. They would pay for hurting Kenna. No one would get away with hurting Kenna. Not while I was alive.

By the time the thunder sounded out and the dark grey sky flashed with the blinding streaks of electricity, I was standing at the edge of the ghost town. And nothing was left of the once lively small town --only more darkness and death.


Some more Halsey! She and Taylor Momsen just get this story like no others ;)
So that was somewhat epic and now suspenseful.. Ready to see what's up with Kenna?
What do you think is happening? Any guesses on who or what could be controlling or making this monstrous darkness thing? Or what/who killed the students?

Oh I'm so excited for the books upcoming finale 🙆🏼😍😁👏🏻🙌🏻👏🏻🙌🏻👏🏻 ITS SO CLOSE GUYS.

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