V e n o m o u s

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S o n g : U p & B e y o n d - W i l d c a t ! W i l d c a t !

C h a p t e r XVII
V i r i d i a n

I watched annoyedly as Kenna chased a freaking butterfly around the forest between my house and the school.

I wasn't sure if I wanted to throw her over my shoulder and forcefully bring her to her dorm already --or catch the damn butterfly for her.

So, I settled with watching her annoyedly.

"Viridian," She pouted at me as the quick little butterfly landed on a branch just a few comical inches too high for her to see. "Saffron is too high. Can you get her? Don't hurt her though. I just want to get a good look at her wings."

"Saffron?" I chuckled lowly, "Do you name all of your muses?" Running my hand through my hair in defeat, I walked over to the tree 'Saffron' was resting on -opening and closing 'her' orange and black wings as if to tease Kenna further.

I winked at Kenna as I revealed my fangs in a flash. Her hazel eyes widened as she subconsciously took a step back from me. Pricking my finger accidentally, I wiped off a drop of venom from my sharp elongated tooth, dropping the clear liquid and a bit of my blood onto the butterflies tiny head.

Kenna cautiously walked back over, standing on her toes as she tried to see what I was doing. Obviously failing as the branch was still too high. She was so short.

I held my finger out for the beautiful winged insect and she walked onto my skin, being somewhat compelled by my fangs. I brought Saffron down to Kenna as she looked at me with curiosity.

"How did you do that?" Her excited green eyes flickered between the butterfly and I, not knowing which one of us was more interesting.

My fangs protruded again as I took her small hand gently in mine, looking her in her frazzled green eyes. "Trust me." I commended softly.

She looked nervous but allowed me to raise her index finger to the very thing she was afraid of. I carefully placed the tip of her finger on the cold gel-like liquid and took off another venomous drop. I released her hand as she tilted her head to examine it. She looked up at me questioningly.

"It's not lethal. It doesn't even hurt you. It just makes you not scared. It relaxes you and puts you into a dream-like state. It makes it easier for everyone involved." I explained, lifting up the butterfly to her nose. Saffron obediently crawled onto her tiny freckled scrunched up nose, spreading her orange wings relaxedly across her cheeks.

Kenna went crosseyed, a bubble of giggles slipping from her lips. "That's kinda scary. But this is too cool."

"Examine your art muse, Kenna." I leaned back into the tree, unable to not smile at her childlike expression of wonder as she lead the dazed butterfly to her shoulder.

She looked at me again, her eyes falling back to the venom still coating her finger, "What would happen if I..." She slowly lifted it to her pink parted lips.

But I beat her to it, bringing my head down towards hers until there was only a breath between us and popping her finger into my mouth in no time at all. I sucked the venom off of her finger at once. My eyes connected to her wide ones as I felt my suddenly elongated fangs graze her skin, bringing up a few small beads of blood as they dropped onto my tongue. She flinched and pulled her finger out, smearing her sweet essence on my lips as she did. No one dared to move as she watched me cautiously but also in fascination. Finally I smiled amusedly at her, controlling my growing vampiric impulse to drink her dry even as I felt my eyes cloud over in bloodlust.

"Don't purposely try to put yourself under my control." I spoke in low voice as the hunger showed through clearly with the deep huskiness.

She loudly swallowed nervously as my cold breath blew into her face, "I'm surprised you out of all people are saying that." Despite the increased heart-rate, she was still as snarky as ever.

I could feel her warm blood on my lips as I tried hard not to lick it off. I lost the fight almost immediately, pulling my sweetened bottom lip into my mouth with my teeth, swiping the taste of irresistible blood away with my tongue.

God, she was delicious.


Picture of Saffron above ;)
Unhdfnkhs I love this chapter. I just want them to seduce one another until they break and epically kiss already. :3

If any of you were wondering; it's an American Lady butterfly. 🌺🌿🐛
I'm officially an expert at telling an American Lady butterfly apart from any other orange butterfly. (They have two eye-spots on their bottom wings and a little white dot in the orange square patch on the top wings.)Do with that information as you wish 😆
Yes I am such an over thinker that I had to make sure I had the right species of butterflies for where I want them to live (though it's never mentioned in the book. Honestly it's not even important. THIS is why I over-plan books when I plan books. Oh Kate.)

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