N u m b

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S o n g : L i t t l e M o n s t e r - R o y a l B l o o d

C h a p t e r LVII
K e n a d i a

The second the heavy words were out of my lips, Viridian was gone and I was left alone with the thick bitterness coating my mouth that tasted of regret and sick. My feet moved underneath me with a life of their own, pulling me farther and farther away from where Viridian was while my brain and heart quickly went more numb with each step forward.

Every thought was wiped away and all feelings ceased to exist as I walked through the aftermath of the massacre. It was as if a bomb had gone off beside me and all I could hear was the ringing in my ears and my shallow breath. My eyes saw nothing and my feet walked on blindly and I was sure I was missing a limb or two from the explosion... Maybe even my heart.

Not even the sudden mutilated monster in front of me woke me up. His blackened fangs bared at me as his yellowed green eyes swept over me, hunting me by letting me walk right into him. Black veins covered his opened pasty arms all the way up to his neck where the black hair started to lose colour at the tips. A smirk lifted up on his black cracking lips as he realized all he had to do was wait for me to bring myself to my own death. And still, I was dead to the world outside of my silent mind with every inch closer to the danger.

Even when something shot out behind me and knocked the monsters head clean off its body I felt nothing.

A strong untanned arm suddenly wrapped around my waist, the touch sending a jolt of electricity through me as if he had shocked me himself. My body was thrown back against his hard chest as I inhaled sharply from the powerful lightening bolt. "Careful, My Love. You don't want to have another accident, do you?" The unmistakable voice purred into my ear as his cold breath rolled down my now shivering skin.

My heart sped up, waking me up completely as I thrashed in my murderers frozen arms. "Let me go!" I screamed, the earth once more shaking like an earthquake as the overwhelming sensation of rage build up inside of me like an active volcano about to explode --only all my energy was used up and I couldn't hold on to the power for longer than a few seconds.

"Please do calm down before I lose myself in your delicious scent of fright." He chuckled as his hand fell down to my waist and pressed me harder into his muscular body. His nose skimmed my neck as his other hand wrapped around my torso. "You can hardly blame me for wanting your sweetness when you have gotten all worked up like that, My Love." He whispered, placing a kiss on my neck as I shuddered in my skin, unable to move in his iron grip as I squeezed my eyes shut --not even my new found powers were working anymore. "You are quite special, are you not, Kenna?" His voice thoughtful as his long cold finger brushed my cheek. "Let us make another little deal, My Love: do as I tell you and I will let you go for the time being." He continued on before I could reply, "Take the path to the forest where we met, My Love --the one just behind your neighbourhood. Once you are out of the towns perimeters, you will no longer be bothered by the fowl creatures." He buried his head into my neck, inhaling deeply with a groan as he placed a kiss on my sensitive skin, "You have done me wrong, My Love, however, I forgive you. But you are mine, Kenna. Don't you ever forget that again." His voice was possessive and grew dangerously dark as a growl ripped out of him and vibrated my frail shaking body.

"I will never be yours," I shook my head hard, refusing to satisfy any of his wishes. The only thing I would ever do with him, was stake his monstrous heart.

He chuckled, "That is where you are wrong, My Love. You will always be mine."

His arms tightened around me as if refusing to let me go again while his lips touched my shoulder. The only thing I could see of him was his dark head of hair in my peripheral vision --the only description of him I knew other than the silver eyes. Before I could react, a sharp sting of pain pulled a surprised cry out of my lips as he moaned into my blood. Fear tensed my body and closed my throat as he deeply drank, the pain worsening with every second as the poison of his fangs spread through my veins. Flashbacks of my murder flickered between my lids as I stopped breathing all together. I felt stuck in a nightmare --my body refusing to listen as I screamed violently inside of it.

He released my shoulder from his locked jaw and I numbly watched the flowing red drip down my broken feelingless arm in streams. "I'm going to let you go now, sweet Kenna. Your blood has drawn out all of the eXposed Vampires nearby --once I take care of them, you should be safe from running into any others." He explained as I slowly caught my breath, trying to convince myself I was still alive. "When I let you go, you are to not look back. If you do, I will snap your pretty little neck without a second thought." He murmured into my ear with a throaty chuckle, "Run and keep those beautiful eyes forward --got it, My Love?"

He was really letting me go. As much as I wanted to disagree with everything he was saying, for some reason he was giving me an out. He was saving me. Even if it was for some sick thought of possessing me later on. I had no choice but to do as he said or I would die and everything Viridian sacrificed for me today would be in vain.

Wordlessly, I nodded, tears stinging my eyes instantly. I was really leaving Viridian. This was it. I had never felt so hollow before.

"I will come back for you, My Love. I promise." He whispered into my ear, his lips softly touching under my jaw before he ripped himself away from me.

It only took a second for my legs to start working as I stood there, my body burning from emptiness. As soon as I started to run I could hear the cries of pain from the xV's; my faceless murderer behind me tearing them into shreds. Thanks to the screams of agony, I wasn't even tempted to glance back. All I focused on was the ground underneath my feet and the suffering forest up ahead.

I would live and purify the darkness into nothing. I would save my brother and the forest if it was the last thing I ever did. Then I would end my nightmare by shoving a wooden stake into that monsters chest myself. I would never be his, no matter how many times he saved me.


Ou, Kenna's murderer is back. I need to find a nickname for Kenna to call him. Any thoughts?

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