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S o n g : C o n t r o l - H a l s e y

C h a p t e r I
V i r i d i a n

The building wasn't anything like I was used to. The overwhelming brightness seemed to pour into the windows as if without it, the house would collapse from the emptiness. With the many windows, every room and hallway on every single floor must have been bursting with the warm golden sunlight.

I hated the idea.

Curtains. Long dark curtains that hid away the brightness -those were the first things to go on my list.

The victorian building itself was something else. Green vines crawled up the stone walls and around the windows, finding each crevice in the building as if they were snakes slithering higher and higher up trying to move closer to the warmth of the sun. White flowers littered the greenery and gave the house an olden greenhouse feeling to it. It was beautiful; not even I could have said otherwise.

The mansion was surrounded in the thick forestry and entirely hidden from any town in the area. The privacy was a must and as my eyes took my new safe haven in, I found myself nodding in approval.

It would do.

"Bring my bags to the master bedroom, Miguel." My voice ordered curtly as I stepped out of the darkness of the limousine and into the tiring sunlight.

I would have to get used to the brightness now that I was living Above. Every step towards the building took all of my energy and will, the sunlight beaming mercilessly down onto my sensitive skin. I could feel my body groaning in protest -aching for the darkness of my home back in Desdemona. Narrowing my eyes I raised my face and looked directly into my weakness. By next week, I would no longer be able to shrink away into the familiar shadows; my body would have to grow accustomed to the ultraviolet rays.

"Lord Viridian," Miguel interrupted my tiring gaze as he walked exhaustedly back to the black car, "don't push yourself." His darkened grey eyes speared mine pointedly before he took the last of my things to the house.

With a determined hiss, I began my way towards the opened door. The cool air from within the house was already blowing towards me, inviting me in with the appealing temperature.

My stinging eyes quickly adjusted to the surprising darkness that covered the grand foyer. Black and white checkered marble floors lead the way towards various rooms in the Gothic inspired building. Dark grey walls appeared to style each room as my curiosity brought me forwards, letting my hand run over the numerous textures along the fascinating wall. Intricate designs littered the house, bringing it all together with the grey and tinted green colour.

It was perfect.

"I hope this house will do, my lord." Miguel appeared before me, bowing his head respectfully. "Lady Mirella sent word: she'll be staying in Desdemona. You are to stay here and blend in."

"Yeah, Miguel. I know." I growled slightly, clenching my fists in frustration, "My life depends on it." I repeated my sisters words with an eye roll, "Now, if you'll excuse me, Miguel. I have to prepare for next week."


Picture of Viridian's house above!
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