B i t t e r s w e e t

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S o n g : S a y Y o u L o v e M e - J e s s i e W a r e

C h a p t e r LVI
V i r i d i a n

I was seeing red as I took in Miguel's vein free body; indicating his mind wasn't corrupted by the virus. As I watched him in disbelief, he began to tremble in amusement and agitation. His thin lips spread up into a smile as a deep chuckle rumbled through him warningly. "You think you can fight me, Your Royal Highness?" He spat out angrily, yet his laugh grew louder and crazier. "Did you forget who taught you all that you know?!" He screamed, jumping up onto an overturned bench that leaned against the wall dangerously as he kept hopping up onto the grooves, making himself higher up from the ground.

"I'm a Pure Blood, Miguel." I growled dangerously, my eyes proving my words as they glowed a rich gold -the colour of the highest of bloodlines. "You've forgotten your place." My eyes followed his quick feet easily as I spoke slowly. "Your fighting skills are nothing compared to a Drăculea --don't be a fool."

The bench teetered with each movement until he made it to the top, looking down at me with amusement in his eyes; an unmissable red flooded around the grey that represented the sickness in his blood. Despite his poisoned-free body, he was clearly exposed to the virus. For some reason it was reacting differently to him -almost as if it were taken to him unlike the others whose fates were cut short the moment they were exposed. And taking into account that the xV's weren't bothering us, it seemed as though they were forbidden to enter by -perhaps- his wishes. But it was too soon to tell and the more time I spent trying to piece together the puzzle in font of me, the longer I put Kenna in danger.

"You think you can beat me because of your pathetic blood, my lord?" He scoffed with a shrill laugh throwing his head back and hands up. "I am unbeatable!" His powerful voice echoed up into the rafters as I placed Kenna on her feet and stood in front of her protectively. "I am the only one strong enough!" Staring back down at Kenna and I, he grinned maliciously, "I am the chosen one this time. I am the one who was blessed with the blood of a god. And I am the one that will make everything you love regret ever even knowing you." He flashed away into the rafters as he sat above the hanging corpses of familiar faces from Kenna's life; his swinging feet kicking the bodies, making them sway back and forth. Kenna's hand clutched my waist as she buried her head into my tensed back, refusing to look up at the gruesome setup while I swore under my breath. "This is for choosing a human over everything I've ever taught you: for choosing a human over my earned respect! And soon, Your Royal f*cking Highness, I'll complete my little collection with that girls mutilated body hanging right in the middle." He sneered; the smile transforming into a hateful piercing glare at the quietly sobbing girl hidden behind me.

I pulled Kenna into my side, kissing her forehead as I quickly thought of a plan to get her out of here safely, dependent on the relationship between Miguel and the xV's.

"Leave the girl alone and fight me." I repeated myself from earlier, my voice in a low growl as I watched him step off of the ledge and fall down to the floor with a loud thud as he landed on both of his feet and one of his hands.

"You must be eager to die, my lord." He smirked, slowly standing up straight and stalking towards us as Kenna's entire body shook and her heart sped up unhealthily.

"Let Kenna go." My teeth clenched together as I forced out the words. "Or it won't be a fair fight. I'll be focused on her, not you." I added, hoping his pride had been maximized with his greed and hatred.

He hissed with a snarl as he looked at Kenna then back up to me. "Fine. But when you die, I'll kill her even slower than I had originally planned. Maybe I'll even torture her for a few years: make her my servant." He grinned evilly as I tried to stay calm, "I'll make her mine before I kill her. She will know nothing but pain." He promised with a snigger as I tried to control my anger threatening to turn me into a beast in front of Kenna.

colours of viridian | BOOK ONE | J a d e d ✔️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu