I n v i s i b l e

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S o n g : T i l l K i n g d o m C o m e - C o l d p l a y

C h a p t e r XXV
M a k e n n a ? K e n a d i a ?
K e n n a

"Do you understand now, Kenna?" That woman's -my sisters- voice spun me around as Little Me ran out of the forest with our 'mother', leaving big me alone.

"I..." I hesitated, I did. I understood. But I didn't understand why I understood. "She's not really..." It felt wrong saying the words out loud. I loved that woman. She was my mother.

But she wasn't. I didn't know who she was. Who any of my supposed family was. Were any of them related to me? Were they even real?

The young woman stepped out from the leaves of a tree. She was more beautiful than I had previously given her credit for. Her skin was flawlessly pale as her long dark hair fell in waves around her slender shoulders, her eyes more green than the bland hazel that I had. She didn't appear to be a day older than when I had seen her with Little Me. She was probably only a couple of years older than me now.

She smiled gently, her green hazel eyes studying me. "It's good to see you, little sister."

I frowned, my head was spinning desperately as it tried to catch up to everything I had found out. "Who am I?" My voice was small as I glanced over at my body which was lying peacefully in the grassy moss. "What happened to me?"

"You're name is Kenadia. We don't have surnames where we are from. But you are from the house of Celadon. I suppose you could call yourself Kenadia Celadon." She chuckled lightly.

Okay. Let me try that again. "What am I?"

"Nothing that humans know about. I'm afraid you wouldn't understand without me showing you, Kenna." She walked over to me, taking my hand. "We're invisible to almost every other creature to roam the earthly planets. We do not leave traces of who we are or have ever been."

I stayed silent, trying to wrap my spinning head around all of this. Earthly planets? There were more? Have ever been? I've lived before? Like actual previous lives? She lead me deeper into the forest as butterflies and moths filtered around us; their wings all different colours of the rainbow. It would have been dazzling...if not for the fact I was losing my mind.

"We live many different lives, only remembering them when we are all together as one again. There are many different kinds of us and we normally change kinds every few decades. But you have always been of the forest." She spoke, as if it were all this perfectly logical thing.

I wanted to shake myself awake; yet, I also just knew she was telling the truth. My connection to the forest had always been unbreakable; no one else loved it in the same way as I had.

"What happened to me?" My jaw clenched, at least with this question I would get a straight answer.

"You died, Kenna." She looked over at me all-knowingly as I swallowed loudly, "But it wasn't your time. You are still needed to protect the forest -now more than ever."

"So," I breathed shakily, my heart was pounding in my chest. I just wanted to wake up. I felt like I was going to be sick. "How did I die?"

Her hand began to push back a curtain of vines, leading us to a sort of never-ending rocky hallway. It was beautiful. Arches to rooms were all along the grey rock walls, more thick vinery and flowers covering the rooms from sight. She dragged me along with her as her hand tightly held onto mine.

"You were found by one of them." She sneered, showing a surprising row of tiny sharp teeth, her jaw clenching. "A vampire, Kenna. You were murdered by a vampire."

A shiver fell down my back as I began to remember bits and pieces. "His eyes were silver." I mumbled, another tremble falling through my body. "So if I died, why am I..." I hesitated with pinched brows, "-alive?"

She laughed, her cheeks flushing pink. "We are not that easy to kill, Kenadia. We live many lives which means we die just as much. But if you do your job, you will be brought back." Her green eyes twinkled as she smiled at me proudly, "You have loved the forest and sought comfort in it during your lifetime; that has been enough to keep it pure of all evil that has crossed its path. The forest has in return, protected you by giving you your life back."

We finally came to a stop at a door that looked identical to the rest, she grinned at me, "Are you ready to go home, Kenadia?"

She didn't give me the chance to answer as she shoved me through the greenery; my vision impaired only for a few seconds as the vines fell away. But when they fell...it was like finding out if heaven was real or not.

And it was.


Picture of Kenna's sister (unnamed right now)
Okayyyyyy Kate, you're officially making this book incredibly complicated! Welp you're also just making up creatures and kicking fairies in the butt (I'm trying so hard not to get True Blood inspired.) I'm really trying to make something original here... But damn. How do you even make up new creatures? Well. I guess I'm just going to have to roll with it and hope all ends well. Do let me know your thoughts... Please.

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