K e n a d i a

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S o n g : T r o u b l e - C o l d p l a y

C h a p t e r XXIII
M a k e n n a

My eyes were closed. But I could see everything.

I was surrounded in a fog of white mist. My body was lying on the ground as I floated above it. It was weird. But I wasn't scared. I didn't know how I had gotten there, but I felt like it was all going to be okay.

My eyes took in my surroundings as everything suddenly began to swirl into green. I watched intrigued as the world of trees and moss grew around me. It was familiar, like something I had felt safe in.

"Kenadia!" I heard a voice shout just as a little girl around the age of five with brown hair suddenly ran fast into the coverage of trees.

She had a huge grin on her face as she tried to hide her giggles in her hands. I recognized her instantly; she was me.

"I'm going to find you, Kenna," the voice singsonged again as Little Me squirmed excitedly in nerves.

Suddenly a young woman with brown hair and green eyes that were practically identical to the little girls, jumped out in front of the tree Little Me was crouched behind, roaring like a beast. Little Me squealed and tried to run away, but the lady grabbed me, lifting me high up into the air and kissing my face on the way down.

"Gotcha'," She smiled, hugging me to her arms.

But who was she? My head begun to hurt as I tried desperately to remember her face...she was so familiar. Yet, I was sure I had never seen her before. How was this possible?

"Isn't the forest magical, Kenna?" She purred to Little Me who was holding the lady around her neck lovingly.

"It's pretty," Little Me agreed as her hazel eyes were a vibrant green.

We stopped walking as she looked down at me, "No matter what happens, little one, you must remember that the forest will protect you. She's alive you see-" Her eyes grew bright as she held out her free hand just as an orange butterfly flew down to us. "Every creature has a name." She placed little me down on the ground, bringing the butterfly to my height. "What do you think her name is, Kenna?"

Little Me shook her head, a frown of concentration on her face.

"All you have to do is ask and she'll whisper it to you." She promised Little Me.

"What's your name, butterfly?" Little Me asked before putting her ear closer to the winged insect. "Oh!" She gasped, jumping up. "It's Saffron!"

The lady smiled, "Very good, Kenadia. So you see, every creature -no matter how small- will protect you. As long as you protect them." She looked at me sternly, "If you care for this forest and walk along its many paths, the forest will never leave you. No matter what happens."

Little Me tilted her head to the side, her tiny eyebrows pinched together. "What's gonna happen?" She asked, watching the lady carefully.

The young woman smiled sadly, "I'm going to have to leave you, my little princess." Another butterfly flew down onto her finger, this one a vivid purple that I had never seen before. "You belong here, Kenadia." She placed the purple butterfly in my hand gently, "You have to look after this forest, princess. Many evil things come across it, but you must keep it pure. You must not let the darkness invade this land." She looked at Little Me who was watching the butterfly open and close her wings. "It's very important, Kenna. You must keep this forest alive."

She brushed Little Me's wild hair back with her hand, "You won't remember me, Kenadia. Not until you have to. But you're always going to feel safe in this forest. No matter the dark and terrible things hidden in it; you will always be safe. She'll protect you. I promise." She took my face, kissing my forehead as tears rolled down her cheeks. "I'll be seeing you, little sister."


She walked away, leaving Little Me still unnaturally fascinated by the purple winged butterfly. At the flick of the ladies wrist, the butterfly flew away and Little Me suddenly woke up from the dazed like trance.

"Makenna!" This time a voice I instantly recognized called out to me.

Little Me's face brightened up as another lady with dark brown hair and brown eyes came into view.

It was mom.

Wasn't it?


Allllllllriiiight then. What the heck. So that... This is happening. Can't wait to see where this goes now. I mean, Kenna's back, kinda. So that's cool. It's not like the story wasn't already getting complicated or anything. *sigh*

Guys literally pulling this out of my ass. I have NO clue what the heck is happening. Let me know if you think it's too much 😂😂😂😂

colours of viridian | BOOK ONE | J a d e d ✔️Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя