P u r i f y

67 10 1

S o n g : F a l l e n A n g e l - T h r e e D a y s G r a c e

C h a p t e r LIX
K e n a d i a

The second I stepped into what was left of the forest, I felt an instant chill fall down my back as if I had left an invisible forcefield surrounding the destroyed town.

"Oh thank goodness! Kenna!" A voice spun my head around towards the sound as I searched frantically for the familiar face.

My eyes caught a flickering sight of the orange colour of her hair before I felt her tiny arms wrap around me. "Saffron." I sighed, holding her back tightly.

"I'm so sorry." She whispered solemnly, her arms tightening around me as she gave me a squeeze.

I shook my head, refusing to think as I pulled away. "I need to do something, Saffron. What can I do?" I begged her, my hands grasping her arms in desperation as I stared helplessly into her wide blue eyes. "I can't leave everything like this. I can't leave him to die! I love him... I love him so much. Tell me what I can—"

"Saffron, we don't have anymore time left: the darkness is starting to break through the barrier." A voice of authority spoke up, making my head shoot a look at the owner in surprise.

A beautiful tall elf-like woman dressed in a long white dress stood before me as her skin sparkled with white-silver swirls, tattooed along her body. Her long white hair was loosely hanging in waves down her back as a crown sat atop her head. Silvery red eyes met mine as I inhaled sharply: she was Akasha like Saffron and I.

Her sharp jaw clenched as she regarded me with disdain. "We don't have another choice --it must be done." She locked eyes with Saffron who sadly gave the nod of acceptance.

"Call them, Annora." Her voice shook before her eyes flickered to mine, showing her heart breaking for me. "I'm so sorry, Kenna. I'm so sorry." The tiny fairy whispered as others in white appeared after a short moment, walking all along the outskirts of town.

My heart was in my throat as a sick feeling erupted inside of my stomach. The premonition of doom settled before me as my hand latched out and grabbed Annora's arm. "What are you doing?" I half whimpered, half coughed out, needing her to stop as my body buzzed with sudden sickening energy.

She ripped her arm away from my desperate touch with a violent hiss, "Touch me again, Traitor, and I will erase all of your memories until you don't know up from down." She bared her feline-like fangs at me.

I stumbled backwards. My heart lodged in my throat as I watched Saffron close her eyes; an abnormally peaceful expression settling across face that was just seconds ago set in a trembling frown. Just like before, all sorts of Akasha's appeared out of the forest and sky, this time wearing fall colours: Saffron fitting into the group immediately as she avoided eye-contact with me.

"Saffron..." I mumbled in defeat, my hands clenched in fists as I looked back towards the town where the man I loved was probably fighting for his life. What were they going to do?

It didn't take long for other members of the other households to show up; sporting the colours of their family just like I inadvertently was with the striped green tank-top blouse. My feet stayed rooted to the ground as I watched everyone turn to the darkness riddled town. My body was full on vibrating as the power locked away inside of me threatened to break free if I was left in silence a second longer.

"Kenadia, you need to breathe." A familiar voice exhaled sadly as I blindly listened to her. "Good. Now turn and look at me, little sister." I did as ordered, meeting the silver familiar eyes of Alina, my forgotten sister. Her beautiful face was stuck in an expression of distraught as she watched me. "I'm sorry." She whispered and I instantly heard the sincerity in her wavering voice, "You don't remember, but we were once betrayed. He very nearly destroyed us all. But you are my sister --my blood. I should have been by your side." Her voice was but a whisper as if speaking words that weren't meant to be heard.

But nothing about that mattered at the moment --they could have all turned back into those frightening monsters I had seen at the pond and attacked me for all I cared. I just needed an answer. I just needed to know what was going to happen to Viridian.

"What are you going to do?" I whispered out, my eyes begging her for the truth while hoping to god it wasn't going to harm him. I couldn't live knowing he wasn't out there waiting for me to come back.

Her eyes began to water as she watched me try not to lose it. "We're doing what we have to, sister --what we were created to do." She whispered, grabbing my hands urgently. "We are purifying the darkness that has taken over."

At her words, a blinding sharp light suddenly pierced through the darkened sky, destroying the clouds in a single blink. I spun back around, my eyes widening as I watched and heard the aftermath. Murderous screams were thrown into the sky as I saw the bodies of the infected burn away slowly. Their entire being went up into flames as they stayed conscious --stayed alive through the whole agonizing 'cleansing' process until the very end where their lifeless bodies collapsed to the ground. They looked completely human again before the ground opened up and swallowed them whole.

And I suddenly understood what 'purifying the darkness that has taken over' really meant.

It meant shining light into the smallest areas where darkness lay hidden away. It meant taking bodies that were possessed by darkness and ridding them of it --even if that meant taking their tainted souls with it. It meant killing the beings and creatures that had no other choice but to live in the darkness. It meant Viridian wasn't ever going to come out of that town again because he was a Vampire: a creature of darkness. Darkness that I was created to purify. To destroy.

"No." I shook my head determinedly, my eyes trying to fathom what I was seeing as I was on the verge of collapsing into unfixable pieces.

The darkness that once suffocated the air simply disappeared as if it had never been there to begin with. Then the trees began to sprout up where the buildings -that were now indistinguishably part of the ground- once stood. I watched as the entire town was devoured before my eyes; leaving nothing in its wake to hint that there had even been a place of civilization there. They were all wiped from existence just like that.

It was all just gone. He was gone.

I fell to my knees as my entire body began to vibrate so violently I was seeing black spots. My breath came out raggedly as I imagined face after face of the ones I had love fade away like they were never there to begin with. Memories of Viridian flashed before my eyes and I let out a blood-curdling scream that shook the ground until with an ear-splitting noise, the ground split into two: me and the Akasha's on one end of the abyss while what was once my town stood on the other side. It was out of reach from me. He was out of reach from me.

Skinny arms wrapped around me, pulling me back as I lost consciousness and fell into the slippery darkness where nothing but loneliness waited for me.

I didn't know how. But I would try until my last breath to get him back. It was my turn to refuse to let go.


Staked and now this? Damn Viridian's got it hard...

Ps I'm officially in love with this song 😍♥️ and I'm sad because this dang chapter is heart breaking. Sorry. K cya :)

colours of viridian | BOOK ONE | J a d e d ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ