W o r t h l e s s

99 11 3

S o n g : S e e i n g S t a r s - B Ø R N S

C h a p t e r XLI
K e n a d i a

I awoken to loud strangled huffs. The unknown voice grumbling words I couldn't make out as I opened my eyes. I was laying just inside the glass room, the plants and beautiful flowers all reaching out to me as if giving me their energy to replace what I had lost.

My eyes widened as I caught sight of a tiny naked golden-y girl, trying desperately to pull my Vampire towards the house. Her tousled short pink-orange hair made me gasp as I threw a hand over my mouth.

"Saffron!" I squealed, the situation dawning on me.

It worked! The pain wasn't just for nothing! Saffron was here!

"Princess!" Saffron dropped Viridian's arms at once, running over to me with a large grin on her face. Her arms wrapped around me instantly, squeezing the life I had just gotten back out of me.

I couldn't help but to laugh, hugging the enthusiastic girl back. "Let's get you some clothes before he wakes up." I chuckled, pulling back from her embrace and grabbing her hand; shaking my head in amusement as I pulled her along with me to my purple room.

After she picked out the blue summer jumper Viridian had bought for me, Saffron quickly informing me on why it was that my big strong vampire was passed out. So much for being my protector --it's a good thing he's cute.

"Hey, you sad excuse for a vampire," I plopped down onto the bouncy grass beside his head, intrigued by the red flames seeming to dance in his messy hair from the sunlight. Leaning down, I pressed my pale forehead onto his tanned one, "Get up already." My fingers ran through his locks, closing my eyes as I listened to the calming sound of his even breathing.

He began to stir, he's eyes moving under his lids as I lifted up to give him some space. His eyes fluttered open, his long lashes lightened by the sunlight and his eyes shinning with bright greens and vibrant blues. He sat up, rubbing the back of his head, "Hey." He slightly smiled crookedly at me, seeming to be flustered from his vulnerable state as a pink blush ran across his cheeks.

My gosh, he was handsome. His coppery-red hair flopped lazily down in waved curls onto his forehead, covering his right eye. His left eye however, was more gorgeous than ever as the colours sparkled brilliantly in the sunlight -taking away my breath as his skin glowed a warm light brown to contrast with them. He was the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen. Like the perfect piece of art. What I wouldn't have given to have a camera right then. I was sure to lock the image in my brain for later uses though.

"You're worthless, you know that?" I brought myself to his irresistible full lips as I lifted to my knees, kissing him in relief that he was awake and okay. My hands clutched at his wrinkled long-sleeved thick shirt while I leaned into his hard chest, my lips never wanting to part from his again.

His large cool hands cupped my hot face, capturing loose strands of my long hair, "And you're a nuisance." He kissed me quickly, getting to his feet. "You passed out in what? All of three seconds?" He helped me up, continuing to tease me light-heartedly.

"Five actually." I stuck my tongue out at him, "...but it worked." I tried to contain my hopeful smile as I bit my bottom lip.

Viridian raised his brows before starting to drag me behind him towards the large mansion. "You reached contact with your sister?" He asked incredulously.

I shook my head, running to catch up to his fast pace, "Nope-"

I was interrupted as the beautiful now-fully-clothed girl ran towards us in the large space "Princess!" Saffron suddenly pulled me into her embrace, nuzzling her head into my neck. "I'm so happy you're okay. I've missed you terribly."

I giggled, watching Viridian take in her tiny fairy-like height with widened eyes. She was shorter than Malory who was shorter than me; meaning Saffron would be officially considered a dwarf if she were human. She probably stood a good four or five inches shorter than me. I was about 5'3 so she was probably around 4'10.

"Saffron, we already did the whole embrace thing." My voice coughed out, being squeezed to death by her surprising strength.

"Yeah, but I was naked. I couldn't hug you properly without it being weird," she sighed happily, appearing to forever stay locked onto me.

Giving up on pushing her away -not that I tried very hard- I let my eyes wander back onto Viridian who looked very intrigued; taking in the visible markings on her skinny body, which were slightly different than mine.

"Saffron?" He finally spoke, tilting his head to the side. "The butterfly I helped Kenna look at, I presume." With an exhale, he began walking away, expecting us to follow him.

With the orange coloured girl still clinging to me, I rolled my eyes at my rude vampire and did what was silently demanded of me. Walking through the maze of hallways and rooms, we finally made it to the large library, complete with cozy chairs and tables. We all took a seat, Saffron squeezing in with me on the large chair.

"Yes, I was that butterfly you so rudely put under your spell." Saffron crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow up at him full of attitude.

He cracked a smile. It was rare to see Viridian smile around people he didn't know. Clearly the girl just had a way of squirming into the cracks of walls -probably because she was so dang small.

Saffron frowned, her eyebrows pinching together as she looked at me, "You must have a lot of questions. I'll answer them the best that I can." She promised, nodding her head as if reassuring herself too.

"I just want to know everything." I chewed the inside of my lip, not sure where to start. "Why is the forest so dark? What happened? Is it going to be okay? It's like it's sick or something-"

Saffron quickly held up her hand to stop me, "Even I can't answer things that quickly," she nudged me playfully, "Let me try to start at the beginning..."


Ou, are we finally going to find out more about Kenna? Plus Saffron is back! How exciting :D
Thanks for reading! xx

Fun Fact about me: I absolutely adore this song... And like every other BØRNS song. What's one of your favourite songs? Comment below if you want :) I'm looking for some more songs for my books!

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