B i t e

111 13 8

S o n g : B a d H a b i t - T h e K o o k s

C h a p t e r XXXV
K e n a d i a

His hands were yanking at my hips, trying to bring us somehow even closer than we were while keeping our clothes on. His mouth was hungrily kissing down my neck, causing me to release small moans. He was just everywhere and I loved it.

"God, Kenna," he murmured my name against my ear, making me once again create a sound of pleasure as his voice vibrated my entire being.

I knew it was wrong. I should hate him. But God. He was too tempting to resist. Every touch brought on more tingles and every time he talked it made my heart pound. And then there were those eyes. My breath was heavy as he finally picked me up off of the chair by my thighs, leading me to what I hoped was his bedroom -or anywhere soft. My entire body wanted more of him. Every inch ached with the need to be held and touched and caressed by him.

"Kenna," he groaned pulling us down to the couch. "Slow down, baby."

But he said baby! How could I have ever slowed down after he called me baby?

His elongated teeth dug painfully into my flesh on my chest and neck as his tongue licked the aftermath up, but I just didn't care even when it hurt. It was like a fire was burning and until someone put it out, there was no way it was stopping. Especially when Viridian kept on feeding it with his kisses and words and growls. He could have my blood; I just wanted all of him in return.

He pulled away, his eyes excited and growing darker with bloodlust while his lips were dripping with the stuff. I could feel the sting of pain along my skin, but I only wanted him to kiss me again. I blinked and he was gone. Sitting up, I groaned in frustration. My chest was instantly soaked in my blood as I looked down. It made me shiver as I remembered my untimely death and how much blood there had been.

"Kenna," he suddenly flashed back to the breakfast bar, keeping too much distance between us. "I'm sorry." Even from where I sat I could see the troubled expression on his face.

I stood up, closing the distance between us cautiously for his sake, "I'm not." I bit my lip, tasting the metallic residue from my own blood.

He pursed his lips slightly, "I bit you." He tugged me closer by my wrinkled stained dress, taking out a wet facecloth from his jeans pocket. He gently wiped the red liquid off of my skin. "I lost control and bit you. More than once." Using his fang he cut his finger, smearing the cold black goo along my wounds, instantly easing the discomfort.

My hands cupped his sad looking face, making him look down at me as I gazed up at him. "I would have gotten angry if it bothered me. I'm okay. You didn't do anything wrong, Viridian." I leaned in on my tiptoes, kissing him gently.

He sighed unconvincingly, but quickly encircled me in his arms. "I don't want to hurt you, little beast. You're too beautiful and good for that." He kissed my neck gently as I rested my head on his broad shoulder.

"I'm okay," I held on tightly to his shirt -which I had noticed was pretty ripped from me clawing at it. "I'm not a weak human anymore, Viridian. I can take care of myself." As an example I slashed my nail into his chest, making him growl and me giggle.

"Fine." He huffed, suddenly throwing me over his muscular shoulder as I squealed. "Just remember, you asked for it." He chuckled darkly, leading us to his room -once again, I hoped.

Call me bad, but I just wanted Viridian to be everywhere. The more I got, the more I wanted. He wasn't the only one being controlled by lust anymore.


I decided to not write smut unless people actually want it since I always feel a tad awkward about writing it lmao. Iunno or really care though. T'is up to you!

(Let me know if you think this was too fast. I'm trying to keep it real and with them being older I can see it working out that way. But at the same time they have just abruptly jumped into it and are already having sex. I'm kinda conflicted about this, so please do let me know.)

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