R e v e n g e

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W a r n i n g : Some Graphicness Below
S o n g : L y d i a - H i g h l y S u s p e c t

C h a p t e r LIV
K e n a d i a

Tears were falling steadily down my cheeks as I stumbled through the blood covered streets. It was all gone. Everything I had ever known in this lifetime was nothing but rubble and ash. Everyone I had ever loved was dead or missing. My heart felt as if it had been violently torn out of my chest as I looked around at the collapsing buildings that once held only the bright smiles of my friends and family.

I felt so empty even as the tears blinded my vision into nothing but a red blur. There was nothing left of anything.

It was all my fault.

It was my job to keep the darkness away. I was the one that was supposed to protect this town and the forest and now it was nothing but blackened rot. I failed and now they were all dead.

"Kenna!" A tortured scream pierced through the still air and my body like a slap. "Kenna! Help!" The voice screamed again and before I could see where I was going, my feet were hitting the asphalt at a dangerous speed.

My body was trembling as I ran towards the crying, desperate voice. Nothing else mattered but that one little voice. I would die to protect that voice. I had said it on many occasions and I wasn't breaking that promise now. I would die before I let him die.

"Please, Kenna!" He begged, his voice filled with agony as I got closer.

My heart beat solely for that voice. His screams proof that not all was lost. That he was alive. That I could save him.

"I'm coming, Michael! Just hold on!" I gasped out, completely out of breath as I came to the large doors of the towns once beloved church.

The sky was practically black as the clouds rolled over my head with a fierce anger that sent sparks down my back. Everything that was once good about the building was now screaming at me to leave and the suspicious fact of it being the only building left standing wasn't lost to me.

"Please, hurry -it hurts so much, Kenna..." Michael cried, his tiny groggily voice growing weak with exhaustion.

The doors were already cracked open and shivers enveloped my body as the cold sinister aura seeped out. But it didn't matter. My little brother was calling for me. He was all that mattered --not me. Clenching my jaw, I pushed the door further in, seeing nothing but blackness. Fog was steadily rolling towards the church on all sides as if the darkness wasn't enough of a bad omen.

"Kenna..." Michael now whispered, his voice dying out slowly.

I hurried in, and the very second I did the door slammed shut behind me.

"Well," a voice sniggered somewhere within the pitch black room that sent instant goosebumps along my now icy skin. "Looks like you're not dead after all." The voice was deep and cold, nothing about it felt...alive.

It was death himself. I was sure.

"Please," I gasped through the trembles that overtook my body as I backed up into what I hoped was a wall. "Let my brother go." I begged, "You can have me. You can kill me slowly. You can do whatever the hell it is you want with me --but let him go. He's innocent. He's just a boy!"

colours of viridian | BOOK ONE | J a d e d ✔️Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant