F a s c i n a t e d

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S o n g : W e a t h e r e d - J a c k G a r r a t t

C h a p t e r IX
V i r i d i a n

She was such a curious being. She didn't try to run or fight or anything...but yet the fight in her was strong. Like her fierce will was a shield protecting her no matter if she was scared or not. But that was another thing; she wasn't scared. She was, like I said, curious.

Her hazel eyes held mine without flinching as she concentrated on her next words, "Tell me what you are." She ordered me and I felt myself frown.

I was not one to be commanded. But I owed her. Besides, I would probably just erase everything after.

"You know the answer to that." I kept my eyes on hers for another moment before carefully smoothing out another piece of paper.

It was...fascinating seeing how she saw me. My fangs weren't just my weapons or a means to feed when I looked at her drawings, they were something sinister and unnatural. The way they protruded out of my lips and captured the attention from everything else. It was as if they had a life of their own and it overpowered the very being they grew from -as if they overpowered me.

"I just need to hear you say it." Kenna said, pulling my attention back to her. Her tired eyes were hard as her hands clutched to her art book like it was the only thing keeping her from losing her sanity.

I furrowed my brows, slightly frowning in thought. "Alright," I sighed, giving in to her wishes. "I'm a Vampire. I drink blood. I died many years ago. I'm descended from Vlad himself. The sun causes me to lose my control over time. I do sleep. I do have a reflection. I don't burn to ash in the sun -obviously. I live in a gothic mansion and I kinda have a butler. I also like long walks on the beach." I grinned a little bit by the end of my list, forgetting to keep my guard up in the last second.

I could see the smile threatening to curve her pink lips as she bit it back. "Okay." She said quietly with a short head nod. "I can work with that. Try to stay still."

With confusion written on my face I watched as she flipped the page on her book, her pencil touching down on the paper before she started to move her hand. I watched in awe as the lines of my face became clearer with each stoke of the lead.

"You're drawing me?" I chuckled lowly in surprise. "Didn't you already try?"

Her eyes were vibrantly green as she kept glancing up to check her work. It was as if they were reacting to the greenery around her; sucking in the colour like its essence were keeping them alive. Like blood to a vampire.

"Something wasn't right. But I think I get it now." She explained absentmindedly as the picture formed into a rough version of my face with quick lines everywhere.

It was weird, knowing she was drawing me. It was like her eyes were leaving burning trails on my skin. It was a little unsettling; like she was trying to see into my soul and succeeding.

She grabbed the bag leaning on the tree and pulled out ink bottles, replacing her pencil with different types of ink-less pens. I watched silently as she began to recreate my eye colour with the black, blue, green, and yellow watery ink in messy splashes. The colours all stood out as they began to run and blend into one another before she gently dabbed the liquid residue with a cloth and repeated the process over again. The colours were messy and didn't stay in the lines of the black outlined eyes, but it was more interesting that way....like a mask or something. She even managed to make the tiny lines in the irises.

With a noticeable smirk on her face she moved down to the fangs, dripping a few drops of vibrant red onto the pink lips. I could feel my mouth twitch up in amusement as she finished the painting by outlining the shadows in a soft black and leaving the rest of my face in the washed out colours she had already painted it. The hair was more detailed and shined orange/red in the 'light' but it too was washed out compared to my eyes and the blood dripping from my fangs.

I thought it was quite brilliant.

"Finally," she exhaled rubbing her forehead and placing her supplies back into her art bag.

Her entire face was covered in different coloured ink from all the times she wiped away her hair and I couldn't help but to laugh under my breath. She looked like a young child after colouring with markers.

It was all just fascinating.

She blushed pink along her otherwise pale cheeks, "It's all over me, isn't it?"

My eyes caught hers as I tried to figure her out. She wasn't like any human I had ever known before. She didn't cower in fear, not like them. Even when she had broken down, there was still something so strong about her. It was like she somehow knew I wouldn't hurt her when she wrapped her arms around me -even if she didn't realize it consciously herself. I couldn't put my finger on it. I just knew she was different and I wanted to find out why.

"No, you're fine." I purred convincingly, not wanting her to wash the paint off; she looked like a piece of art and all I wanted to do was study her.


Thanks for reading!!
I'm currently writing chapter 15 and Viri is adorable... So watch out for that ;)
Vote for Viri + Kenna!

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