#22 - The Sculptures

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Psycho #22 -  The Sculptures -


Beautiful. I thought as I stood inside my giant deep freezer, admiring my collection of ice sculptures.

I had the freezer installed a few years back, claiming that I was obsessed with being prepared for any form of disaster and wanted to stock up on frozen foods. In today's world, disaster was inevitable and so this excuse was accepted without question.

It was a lie of course.

I wanted to keep them; the women that I lusted after. The first one that I'd taken tried to fight me on everything. Any time I would come near her she would start crying and screaming insults and accusations at me. I felt she was being very inappropriate and unreasonable. It was irritating to say the least, and all I wanted to do was touch her skin...

She wouldn't allow it, she was so stubborn. After one particular argument, I ended up snapping her neck. I didn't mean to, but that noise! Her screech could push any man to insanity. I cried though, afterwards. I clung to her lifeless body as I mourned her death. She was quiet at that point, and her skin was so soft...

That's when I commissioned the freezer to be built. It was perfect. They were perfect. I looked around the icy room at the seventeen magnificent women I collected since then. They never cried or screamed. They never pushed me away or cringed at my touch...

I sighed, remembering why I was here. Turning back behind me, I grabbed my newest piece and pulled her into the cold. She was drugged and unconscious. She wouldn't be waking up until it was too late.

I laid her on a metal table, and proceeded to cut her clothes off. I ruined my first sculpture by leaving the clothes on, causing the ice to wrinkle and chip away. Once she was completely bare I positioned her in a way that made her look graceful and happy, the way a woman should.

Each of them were positioned differently to reflect their unique personalities. Most were performing different ballet moves, others had their arms spread wide, one was even sitting crisscross. I arranged this one with her arms behind her head, hair flowing up and behind the arms, and legs opened slightly. Usually I added a twist to the body, but I wanted her to face me head on, reflecting the strength and defiance she'd shown me when taking her. Positioning the feet were the most crucial part however, she needed to be able to stand on her own.

I had run the hose from outside through the kitchen window and into the freezer. Setting the attachment to a mist, I began spraying the woman down. The water was so light in its decent it practically froze on contact.

I watched as her skin turned a slight blue, and as her breath became weaker and weaker. I sprayed continuously for hours, until she was covered in roughly three inches of solid ice and laid perfectly still.

I bent down over my work, a job only half done. Carefully I began heating a knife over a torch lighter and melting out the imperfections. She had to be smooth and flawless, nothing else would do. It took quite some time to cover her entire body that way, but I enjoyed the opportunity to get to know all the details.

She really was beautiful.

After what seemed like an eternity, I stood up from my masterpiece. My back ached from being hunched over for so long, but it was well worth it.

Picking a place to display my new sculpture, I carefully stood her up.

"Welcome home darling." I cooed as I brushed my finger over her smooth, cold arm.


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