#1 - A Question to Kill

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Psycho #1 - Question to Kill -


A Tale of Morbid Curiosity:

Refers to those who find curiosity addictive, or rather the neurological reaction to satisfying curiosity addictive. Usually entails an interest in death or things causing physical or emotional torment. Curiosity is still considered a phenomenon of the brain, it's exact cause unknown (although there are logical theories).


I stared at my subject as I crouched next to him. He was a young man, thinner than most with long brown hair. His bushy eyebrows overcame the small oval face and dominated his features. He looked just like an old picture of Jesus my Grandma once had. I was sure he could answer my question.

Not yet though. The subject was taking a chloroform nap, and so my curiosity would have to wait.

I was a relatively small woman, weighing only 115 pounds. Dragging the unconscious male into the old slaughter barn was a difficult task, but I managed. I'd learned long ago to kidnap the smaller ones. There was no reason to make things anymore difficult than need be.

I sighed to myself. Break time was over and it was time to get back to work. Standing up from the dirt covered floor, I walked over to a wall of tools close by. I looked at each one in turn, admiring the damage they could all potentially do. Hammers for smashing. Saws for sawing. Pliers for pulling. Knives for slicing. Blowtorches for, well, you get the idea. The collection was large and included everything I needed to quell my inquiring mind.

The barn itself and surrounding property belonged to my family. We were ranchers and farmers by trade but after the last generation found other means of work, the old farm was left abandoned and forgotten. The property still belonged to the family but no one ever went out there.

No one but me.

I grabbed a length of hefty rope from the wall's hooks and proceeded to the center of the barn. My booted steps echoed with a soft thump against the old wooden floorboards as I moved around; thump.. thump.. thump.. thump. There was no reason to be quiet, and so I wasn't. Spotting a sturdy beam above, I tossed the rope up to it. The thick, braided cord wrapped around on the first try and fell far enough down the other side for me to grab it if I jumped.

You would think I had done this before, I thought to myself while smiling.

Once I could easily grab both ends of the rope I turned back to the subject. He looked so peaceful. I didn't think he remembered his abduction or understood what was about to come.

I'll have to ask him, I told myself.

I marched over to the man purposefully, my boots declared my determination with each step. Thump thump thump thump! I grabbed him by the foot and pulled his unconscious form across the floor, leaving drag marks in the dirt and grime below, covering him in unsettled dust as I went.

Quickly I set to work at tying his wrists together with some old wire found among the barns general clutter. Once satisfied he wasn't going anywhere, I grabbed one of the rope ends and tied his wrists with it again, before wrapping and knotting it through the center space for extra security. I wanted to be sure no knots failed and if any did, I wanted backup ones.

No failures this time. My question needs answering. I reminded myself harshly.

Grabbing the free piece of rope still dangling from the rafters, I pulled it over my shoulder and started walking away, hoisting the man in the air as I did. Once I reached the metal latch secured to a distant wall beam, I tied the rope off.

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