#13 - Crazy in Love

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Psycho #13 - Crazy in Love -


A Tale of Obsessive Love -

Refers to a psychotic mental state in which one person feels an overwhelming desire to possess another person whom they feel a strong attraction, with an inability to accept failure or rejection no matter the consequences of their misunderstood emotions.


I loved her. I didn't understand how she couldn't see that. I sure didn't know what she saw in that worthless boyfriend of hers. Pathetic, I could give her so much more!

I watched her every moment of every day. She knew I was there, she had to. There was nowhere she went that she didn't see my face. Most of the time watching her relaxed me. Her laugh, the way she curled her hair in her fingers, and the way she sipped her ever present cup of coffee. These little things she did seemed to sooth my soul.

Then there were the moments when he was around. Watching him touch her enraged me. The way she looked at him full of love caused my heart to shatter, and when they kissed I felt extreme nausea.

I'd sat outside her bedroom window while they made love a few times. Propping my back against the outer wall, I would stab into the plastic siding of the house to the beat of the beds rumbles. Her moans of pleasure caused me to nearly barge inside more than once. How I wished it was him I was slicing into.

I was done letting her ignore me. She would know that she is mine, like it or not. If she tried to fight, so be it. There was no way she would win, and if I had to I would take everything from her, until it was only me left. She would be mine, she was always mine to have.

I waited outside the house, peaking in through the windows, keeping her in my line of sight. She wore a red bra with a black skirt while she stood in the mirror. Grabbing tops from the nearby closet and holding them up to her, she was trying to pick an outfit. There was an ever growing pile of rejected clothes laying on the floor.

The sound of his muscle car came from the driveway, and I took my que to start putting my plan into action. I crouched in the bushes next to the door and waited for him to knock. When my beautiful angel answered and ushered him inside, I appeared behind him.

I shoved him roughly into the house and slammed the door behind me. He stumbled, unprepared for the push, but quickly found his bearings. He turned and swung simultaneously, but I ducked his fist and came in low, shoving my twelve inch blade almost clear through his abdomen.

He blinked at me, confused as to what was happening. His arms became weak and I pushed him off my weapon. As he slunk to the floor she screamed, "No!" and ran to his side.

Her actions infuriated me, I didn't want her to feel any sympathy for him. As she rushed forward, I dropped the weapon and caught her around her still bare waist.

"Shh." I said, trying to sooth my love as we slunk to the floor together.

We sat facing the body as his blood started to pool around the lifeless form. She sobbed in my arms, staring at her dead lover's cold, blank eyes. She would try to push me away, to escape my embrace, but I wasn't letting go so she stopped struggling and only weeped.

"Stop looking at him." I instructed as I tried to turn her face away from the grisly scene. She resisted, so I became more forceful and buried her head into my chest, holding her there.

"I'm serious. Looking only makes it worse for you."

She sobbed louder at my words, but I felt no guilt for what I had done. I began stroking her hair as she soaked my shirt with her tears. We sat like that for a while as she tried to collect herself. I simply enjoyed the feeling of her being in my arms after waiting so long.

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