
By the time we reached our hotel, Minah and Jisoo were totally drunk and Namjoon and I had to drag their dead weights onto ourselves till the floor above ours. Namjoon being much stronger held Jisoo on one side and even held my arm from time to time to stop me from stumbling over with Minah's weight. We both managed to unlock their room and dump them on their beds. I dropped quite a few things while dragging them inside. Both us were panting with all the workout it took to get them here.

"Aish....These drunk shits! The next time they decide to get drunk Im gonna hail the very next taxi back here" I complained.

"Please take me with you too. I dont want to do this again" he said, his face showing real concern. I just blankly stared and him and walked out of the room. I reached my room first and went in, pouncing onto my bed and falling asleep without changing my clothes or taking my makeup off.


The next morning I didnt bother waking up early as I knew Jisoo and Minah were going to have a hangover anyway.

In the afternoon, I called the reception and ordered some food. They had good food here too. I decided to go around shopping by myself in the evening. I stopped by Jisoo and Minah's room to check on them. They looked like zombies and complained of headache. I offered to buy them some medicines. Minah suggested I go along with Namjoon rather than going alone.

"Sorry! I came here to enjoy myself. I want to stay as distant from him as possible. Im only trying not to create problems cause he is Jisoo's best man!" I said and set out not listening to what she was going to say about Namjoon. Hmmp


The market places and street food shops were so lively and beautiful. I had a bit of problem communicating at the local food as the satoori was significantly different from Seoul, but they slowed their speeds down while talking so I could grasp what they wanted to say. I ate all kinds of street food, shopped for handcrafted souveniers and took lots of pictures.

I returned back to the hotel and went straight to check on Minah and Jisoo. They were lazyily sprawled all over their bed and I handed them their medicines. I told them about my little trip around the market and I was just about to leave when Jisoo stopped me.

"Please do me a favor Hyeri- yah, please give it to Namjoon" he said handing me a box covered in brown packaging.

"Why? You can just call him here to take it" I said.

"I would have, but he hasnt been answering" he said.

"Oppa, then give it later, we are here for a week anyway" I tried to talk myself out of it so i don't have to talk to Namjoon

"Damn Hyeri, just give it to him. Its not like your pride would be hurt. He is just next door to you. I dont really know what your problem with such a good looking guy is anyway?" Minah snapped irritated.

It must be the hangover talking. I pursed my lips and took the box. I cant tell her what about him upset me. His stringent belief against love. How could I even tell her that the guy they were banking on as the best man was someone who did not believe in them. In some corner of my heart I even felt like he was going to manipulate Jisoo and make him call off his wedding plans. If not anything else, I had to be careful of this guy because he seemed pretty smart. Minah even told me about his career, journalists are good with their words.

Of course he was good looking and attractive. If only he hadnt been so straightforward and against love. It was a pity. I walked over to his room andI was just about to knock on the door when I heard loud noises from the inside. I leaned my ears in to listen and I realized it was a woman moaning loudly..

"Youngjae faster" I heard a muffled female voice. Youngjae?? Did he change his name for this hoe? Haha I can believe this.

Not the right time I decided. I didnt know if I should just leave the package outside his door. But what if it got stolen or something?

Jisoo would be so mad. I decided to take it to my room and probably return an hour later. An hour is fine right? It doesnt even take that long for s*x but then what if they wanted to go for more rounds... Whatever? I thought.

I decided to text him instead to ask if I could come by after an hour. Minah had added me to their Kakao talk group so that I could stay in contact so I could use the number from there. I headed back to my room and double checked my locks before stripping down for a shower. The bathtub was therapeutic but it required patience and I was too tired for it.I changed into comfy pajama shorts and a cropped tshirt. Sexy I know.

I got under the sheets and opened the t.v. some movie was playing, I decided to watch it as I had to kill time anyway. I didnt have dinner yet, I had planned on ordering it once I handed the package over to Namjoon.

Roughly after an hour I texted Namjoon.

H: Jisoo handed me a package for you. Let me know if I can come give it to you

I hit the send button and threw my phone somewhere on the bed.

I forgot about the text just when the climax of the movie started. The movie just finished andI was in tears, mascara running down my face, when I heard a knock on my door.

I wiped my face and got up, pulling a cardigan over . Namjoon stood there only wearing a pair of trackpants. He looked so inviting with his perfectly defined abs bulging out of his torso, his rock hard chest muscles standing out and his arms were so toned. Toned bicep muscles were my weakness and they turned me on so bad.

I hadnt realized that I was staring when he cleared his throat and snapped back into reality.

"Hi! You dont seem to have received my texts" he said. Why was his voice so loud deep and sexy? I thought in my head.

"Huh? What?"I said and looked behind my at my phone on the bed. I had completely forgotten about it while watching the movie.

"Oh that... Um sorry, hang on" I said and walked to the other side of the bed where I had placed his box on the floor with my shopping bags. I picked it up and handed it to him. He looked at it skeptically at first but then shrugged and took it.

"Did you have dinner?" he asked.

"No..." I said.

"How about ordering together. Jisoo and Minah arent up to it and I dint want to eat alone" he said.

"Uh!? Dont you have someone with you in your room to eat with?" I asked and immediately face palmed myself..

"Why would I.... Did you hear something?" he asked.

"Sorry. I just came to give the box and. A woman was moaning the name 'youngjae faster' "I mimicked in a way to tease him about it.

"Shit! Can you please not tell Jisoo about it. He asked me to avoid it for this week at least but she practically threw herself at me at the bar and I was really sexually frustrated because of someone..." he trailed off.

"Why are you telling me all this?" I asked cocked my head to the side and my tongue poking the inside my cheek. 

"Just dont tell Jisoo" he pleaded. I thought over it, I could blackmail him using this.

"On one condition" I said and smirked

He looked at me blankly.

"Just put on a tshirt or something and come back. Lets talk over dinner"I smiled towards him.


Yeeeeeeeee IDK but i am so excited about this book and i hope you guys are too

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