My mind trailed back to the day he told me his crazy idea.

“Ok, Tilyer, I got it.” He sounded hyper and almost high.

“Got what?” I said questioning him worried about what he meant.

“The mid air shift.” I watched him unsure about what he was saying “Ok, so maybe you can’t shift mid air over a fallen down tree because the gap is too small, what if we made the gap bigger.”

“You mean I need to jumper higher and further?”

“Yes... well sort of.” He smiled eagerly at me

“Sort of...”  Ok now I was worried where this was going.

“Yes... what if you jumped off the roof and tried to shift.” He jumped into the air and had one of the largest smiles ever “C’mon, it would be perfect, you have to try it.” He seemed awfully proud of his idea but I must admit it kind of made sense.


I laughed to myself, not because his idea had been crazy and dumb, but because I listened and pushed myself, and I now could shift mid air as long as I jumped off something high enough, it was amazing but at the same time scary, the first few times I ended up crashing to the ground and on more than one occasion hurting myself, but even so I kept trying till I perfected it.

We had also worked out what the mysterious sense of power we had felt on our first hunt, well when I say we I meant I. I had found out about it one afternoon after training when I was reading the book Matt gave me. It talked about the environment and it said “If the environment you are in matches that of your animal you can shape shift into you can shift more easily and you are also slightly faster and stronger since you are closer to your true nature.”  It did all make sense but I also believed that power and all that increased as you trained up for it, you didn’t get anything for free unless you worked a bit for it.

I entered the main hall and walked into the storage room where I grabbed an apple. Granny Smith were my favourite, I just liked how crunch and acidic they were. I kicked the door shut as I threw the apple into the air before catching it again and I repeated this till I got to the kitchen. I walked in and quickly washed my apple before walking back out of the main hall.

As I stepped out into the fresh and into the warmth of the sun’s rays something caught my ear, I wasn’t sure if I was imagining the noise or if it was real. We had also found out that when we got good at shifting our senses as humans improved slightly.

I took a large bite out of my apple before continuing to walk towards the dirt path that led out of camp and towards the roads and civilisation and sure enough the noise got louder and louder.

I chewed my apple ready to shift at any moment, I knew a truck was coming our way and we only ever had a truck come twice here and that’s because we asked for it, this time we hadn’t asked for anything. There was only one thing I would regret if I shifted, and that would be losing my apple, I liked fruit.

I let out a growl as a dirty truck pulled up in the middle of camp and stopped. Something was familiar about this truck. It was a big dirty 4x4 completely built for the off-road, covered in dents, scratches, and quick fixes on every part of it. As the driver door opened I put my right foot back a bit ready for a fight. A tall man stepped out wearing shades and some dark blue jeans with a white shirt.

The Wolf (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now