Part 50

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Biggs went over to the janitor, “Are you the janitor?”

“No,” said the janitor.

“But the Author described you as the janitor?”

“So, do you believe everything the Author tells you?”

“Well, yes.”

“More fool you.”

“Are you the janitor or not?”

“My name is Jan Itor.”

“Are you Jan Itor by name, janitor by nature?”

“Don’t get flippant with me!”

“Look, whether you are a janitor or not, can you tell us if you have seen Mr. White-not-Black?”

“Yes, he was over near the reference section messing around with some books, I had to tell him off.”

“Do you know if he spoke to anyone while he was here?”



“Me you numbskull.”

Biggs was starting to get angry, “Anyone else?”


“Thanks,” thanked Biggs as he went over to the reference section. “Stupid janitor,” he quietly chuntered.

“Look at this,” said Alf, “this dust sheet belongs to that book but it is wrapped around this one.” He took the dust cover off. “Look at this, it’s White-not-Black’s diary.”

“That’s an unusual place to put it.”

“Where would you suggest he leave it?”

“Why wouldn’t he leave it at home?”

“It may be because the Author did something similar in his live role playing days.”

“Oh you mean...”


“Well let’s look at it then,” said Biggs at he grabbed it and took it to a table to read.

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