Part 3

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"And you were getting all uppity with me about me projecting an air of knowledge because I knew about cowboy hats in Ancient Egypt while you are going to write the story first then come back later and tell me about it."

"I don't know if I understand what you just said."

"You wrote it. And how do you expect the readers to understand if you don't?"

"Mmm," I said, "I tell you what I've thought about so far."

"Not the murder of Mr. White-not-Black and the parody of Cluedo (Clue for our American cousins.)"

"How did you know about that?"

"It's in the back of this pad you're writing on."

"So, not only do you exist in my PC but also somewhere where you can read my stuff in the back of my notepad."

"I must do."

"So what do you think then?"

"About what?"

"The Mr. White-not-Black thing?"

"It is a bit sparse isn't it? Not quite the exhaustive plot plan I was expecting."

"Can't we just do it like we normally do?"

"What write 500 words a day then get depressed and stressed just before the end?"


"Oh alright then."

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