Part 28

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The Stud-e ranch was out of town in the upstate area. People drove from the city to ride on its premises and experience something of the old West. It comprised of a stable area, outhouses, a riding field and the ranch house including an office. The owner was a Mrs. Carstairs of the New Valley Carstairs. She was sitting on the porch in a rocking chair when Arthur and the others turned up and drove into the porch.

"Howdy," said Mrs. Carstairs, "looks like you need some brakes on that old jalopy."

"How do you do," replied Arthur, "I think I may."

"What can I do for you gentlemen?"

"We would like to ask you some questions about Mr. White-not-Black."

"He was here earlier."

"Can you tell me what he came for?"

"He comes to ride most of the time but today he came to see my stable boy."

"Is the stable boy still here?"

Mrs. Carstairs led Arthur and the others over to the stable.

"We do not want any more stable jokes like we had in book one," warned Arthur.

"This is Tucson," said Mrs. Carstairs as she introduced Arthur.

"Howdy," said Tucson.

"Howdyadoo," sang Sid.

"Hello," said Arthur, "we wish to ask you some questions about Mr. White-not-Black."

He looked at Mrs. Carstairs. She nodded back at him. "What do you want to know?"

"When did you see Mr. White-not-Black?"

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