Chapter 23

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She's not sure how long she sits there until she hears footsteps coming towards her.

"There you two are. I looked all over the house." Emma comments, sitting down on the swing.

"I thought she could use some fresh air, and she seemed to like the tree."

"Her mother's daughter." Emma mumbles, and then rests her head on Regina's shoulder. They continue to swing together, a perfect picture.

"Everything feels so right." Emma yawns, and then she dozes off as Regina begins to sing her lullaby once again.


A few weeks pass by as the Swan-Mills fall into a routine with Ava and Henry. Regina goes back to work after only a few days at home since she was newly re-elected. Graham was happy to give Emma some time off so she could take care of Ava. 

But as time passes by and both Emma and Regina put most of their energy into taking care of the new baby, Henry begins to get jealous. 

"Mom! Check out my art project!" Henry yells out, running into the kitchen.

"Shhh! Ava is sleeping upstairs, and she took a long time to get down." Regina scolds him, turning back to her paperwork. She continues to write, and Henry scowls.

"But I wanted to show you my art project. I got an 'A' on it." He says more quietly, but doesn't back down. Regina glances over, takes a quick look, and then turns back to her work.

"It's lovely dear. Now, go find something quiet to do." She instructs, and he throws his project on the table. 

"Fine, whatever."


"Die alien scum! Die!" Henry screams at the T.V., mashing buttons furiously. He moves his body to mimic the character in the video game until Emma comes storming in.

"Henry! We just got Ava to sleep! Be quiet or else I'm going to take your video games away for a few days." She hisses at him, trying to keep her voice down through her anger.

"But I'm about to beat the level!" Henry whines.

"Quiet down." She tells him, her eyes hard.

"She sleeps all the time anyways. Who the hell cares?" He grumbles. Emma was on her way out the door when she catches his words. Spinning on her heel, she walks over to him and plucks the controller out of his hand.

"Hey!" He screeches.

"You are not old enough to be saying 'hell', and especially not to me. You are not allowed to play video games for the next few days. I'll decide when you get it back, if your attitude changes." Emma reaches over and presses the power button on the console and the T.V. "Am I clear?"

"I was just about to win."

"Looks like you'll have to win when you learn how to be appropriate." Emma shrugs, and then Henry bites the inside of his mouth.

"Okay, fine." He bites out, and then stalks past her and towards the stairs.

"No stomping, you'll wake Ava up." Emma says after him, and he groans.


"Can we watch a movie?" 

"I'm too tired to watch a movie Henry. I need sleep." Emma yawns, absolutely exhausted.

"I have to be up early tomorrow for a conference call."

"But come on! We haven't watched a movie in forever." Henry whines, pouting.

Lucky to Have You (SwanQueen AU) [Something Right Sequel] {GirlxGirl}Where stories live. Discover now