Chapter 21

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"Nurse Silver here told me that you say something doesn't feel right?" A doctor says as soon as he comes into the hospital room.

"Yes. The pain is horrible, and it doesn't feel like the first time I birthed a child. I think something's wrong." Emma gasps out.

"Get an ultrasound machine over here immediately." He says, and then Nurse Silver sets one up. A quick ultrasound has Emma staring at the doctor in anticipation.

"Call the OR and have them set up a room and fast. We have an emergency C-section to do." He tells Nurse Silver, and then she nods before making the call.


"What do you mean she's in the OR? Why is she having surgery?" Regina demands, pacing nervously. "She was supposed to be in the room having a natural birth."

"Something was wrong with the baby, and that's all I can tell you right now." The nurse tells her. "Your wife is stable right now."

"Will everything be okay?" Henry jumps in, and everyone looks at him. "Is my mom and the baby going to be okay?"

"I can't tell you that. What I can tell you is that our surgeon has done a C-section on many patients before, and he's very good at it." She assures them.

"Are they going to die?" Henry's quiet voice asks and Regina goes over to him, holding him to her.

"I don't think they will. Like I said, the doctor is very good at his job." She gives them a sad smile and then walks away.

"Oh god." Regina sighs, trying her best to not think the worst.

"Regina, Emma and the baby are going to be fine." Graham comes over to comfort her but the brunette doesn't really take much of it.

"Henry, why don't Graham and I take you home?" Ruby asks, walking a little closer tentatively.

"No! I want to stay." Henry stands up, stomping his foot.

"No, Henry. You will be going home to get some sleep. I will let you miss school to see your mama tomorrow." Regina stands, gaining the height advantage on him.

"I'm not tired, and I want to be here." He pouts.

"Henry, you will listen to me-" Regina begins to say but Henry cuts her off.

"I don't have to listen to you! You're not my real mom!" He cries out, tears springing to his eyes. Regina staggers back as if she was hit, pulling in a deep breath.

"He didn't mean it Regina. I'll go take him home." Ruby reassures her. Regina just begins to cry as Ruby and Graham leave the hospital to take Henry home. Granny wraps her arms around Regina and lets her cry.


"Baby is almost out! I need the obstetrician to make sure it will be okay."

"Mom is going into bradycardia. We need to hurry Dr. Whale." One of the nurses tells him and then he pulls the baby out of Emma's body. The baby barely whimpers before it is whisked away for examination. An alarm begins to beep and then Dr. Whale immediately goes back to fixing up Emma. He stitches up her uterus and repairs anything else that was damaged.

"Heart rate is dangerously low."

"Push 0.5 of atropine."

"Heart rate up.

"We need to close, more light please."

"Baby is healthy and a girl."

"Mother is almost done. A few more sutures and then we'll be fine."

Lucky to Have You (SwanQueen AU) [Something Right Sequel] {GirlxGirl}Where stories live. Discover now