Chapter 4

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"No. You look perfect, always." Emma rolls her eyes.

"Awe. You suck up." Regina smiles, and then leans across the dash to kiss Emma. "Now, let's go get something to eat. You deserve a burger."

"Oh thank goodness. I need something greasy." Emma smiles, pumping her fist.

"Still such a child."


"You guys are already back?" Henry asks as he peeks around Ruby to look at his parents. 

"Yes, it took a lot less time than we thought." Regina smiles.

"So go get your stuff and then we'll head home."

"Or, Henry can take a break from his homework, and watch some cartoons and then we can have some drinks." Ruby smiles, and Henry looks from his mothers and then back to his aunt.

"Auntie Ruby, that is a great idea." He grins. Emma rolls her eyes but glances towards Regina anyway.

"What do you think?"

"Why not? Drinks would be fun." The brunette says, and Henry fist pumps as he runs to the TV. 

"So you guys went to Boston today for work? What kind of work requires travel?" Ruby asks as the four adults take a seat around the kitchen table. Regina and Emma glance at each other before Emma shrugs. 

"We have decided to have a baby." Regina says once they've taken a seat. 

"No way!" Ruby squeals.

"That's huge you guys!" Graham smiles, patting Emma on the back. 

"So how is this going to happen?" Ruby asks as she gets up to grab wine for her and Regina, and then also gets beers for Emma and Graham. Regina explains the whole process to a fascinated Ruby and Graham as Ruby pours wine into wine glasses. 

"That's crazy. Technology today is amazing." Graham says, taking a sip of his beer. 

"Who's going to carry the baby?" Ruby asks.

"I will." Emma says, savouring her beer.

"Good for you two. That's amazing." Ruby smiles. The four of them continue talking about babies and other topics until the sound of cries comes through the baby monitor.

"She's having another nightmare." Graham frowns, standing to go check on Izzy.

"I can help her, if that's okay?" Regina asks, and Graham glances at Ruby.

"Sure, go ahead." Ruby smiles, and Regina leaves the three adults in the kitchen.  When she passes by the living room she finds Henry staring raptly at the TV and continues towards the bedrooms. She opens the door with the dog on it, and finds the little girl who looks identical to Ruby thrashing her in bed. The five year old cries and screams as she tangles her blankets around her tiny body. Regina crosses the room quickly and gently removes the blankets from around her. She picks up the small girl and begins rocking her, saying things to comfort her. In a minute or so she stops crying and her tremors die into small shakes. 

"Momma?" Izzy whimpers, and she rubs her eyes with a small chubby fist.

"It's Auntie Regina, Isabella."

"Auntie W'gina." She mumbles, sighing as she melts into Regina. 

"That's right sweetheart. How about you tell me about what made my brave little girl get so scared?" Regina asks, still lightly rocking Izzy.

"It was some scary man, and he was trying to hurt my family." Izzy's bottom lip trembles and Regina quickly begins smoothing down her hair to soothe the young girl. 

Lucky to Have You (SwanQueen AU) [Something Right Sequel] {GirlxGirl}Where stories live. Discover now