Chapter 8

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"I'll come up and say goodnight but then I think I'm going to watch TV in the living room for a while." Emma says. She goes up the stairs and kisses him goodnight before going back downstairs and sitting on the couch. Finding an episode of F.R.I.E.N.D.S, she settles down and watches it until Regina comes down and joins her. 


About two weeks later Emma jolts up in bed, her hand flying to her stomach.  She rips the blankets off her body and runs to the bathroom before throwing up in the toilet. She retches until there is nothing left in her stomach and then pants, her body shaking. 

"Emma?" She hears from inside the bedroom and all she can do is groan. The bathroom light flicks on a few seconds later and Emma squeezes her eyes shut. 

"Emma, are you okay?" Regina asks, hurrying over to help her.

"I think I just threw up all of my supper from last night." Emma spits into the toilet. Regina flushes it and then hands Emma a Kleenex to wipe off her face. She also passes Emma a glass of water to rinse out her mouth and then helps her up.

"I either have the flu or this is good news." Emma says, breathing deeply. Regina tucks Emma back into bed and then wipes her hair away from her face.

"You go back to sleep and I will run to the store to grab a few things just in case." Regina says once she sees it's already nine in the morning.

"Okay." Emma mumbles, already falling back asleep. Regina pulls her now shoulder length hair back into a sleek ponytail with a few strands of her bangs framing her face and then finds a pair of jeans and pulling one of Emma's large sweaters in the closet. She makes sure to put on deodorant and some mascara before going downstairs and pulling on some boots and a jacket over the hooded sweater. On her way to the store her stomach makes her realize she didn't bother to eat breakfast in her rush to grab some items for Emma. She decides to stop by the diner and finds Ruby behind the bar. 

"Regina! You're here early on a Saturday right before Christmas." Ruby smiles at her in surprise.

"Emma wasn't feeling well so I decided to go and grab some stuff for her. But in my hurry I remembered I didn't eat breakfast."

"What would you like? Granny made a bunch of fresh goodies this morning."

"A croissant and some coffee please." Regina says. When the coffee to go is placed in front of her Regina sneakily grabs four splenda packages and a handful of cream containers and puts them in her pocket. Everyone but Emma thinks she drinks her coffee black and that little fact makes them slightly more intimidated by her. Once in her car she dumps the sugary goodness into the beverage and stirs it. Once she devours the flaky and buttery croissant she drives to the store and wanders the aisles while sipping her coffee. She grabs a few items to help with nausea and headaches, a package of goldfish crackers because Regina knows that Emma loves them when she is sick, and then a package of ginger ale sodas. While walking to the checkout counter she gets another idea that stops her in the middle of her stride. She wanders over to a different aisle and grabs a pregnancy test, staring at the package. Her mind flashes back to Emma's sentence from earlier- "I either have the flu or this is good news"- and puts the test into her basket. At the checkout Mr. Clark runs through all of her items and she watches his eyebrows raise at the pregnancy test.

"Are congratulations in order?" He asks as she pulls out her card to pay.

"I'm not totally sure yet. And I'd like for this to be kept a secret until I know all the facts." Regina says, raising an eyebrow at him in warning. 

"Of course." He agrees quickly, nodding his head. A second later he sneezes and Regina grabs her bag from him.

"Bless you." She says simply.

Lucky to Have You (SwanQueen AU) [Something Right Sequel] {GirlxGirl}Where stories live. Discover now