Without thinking I ran up to Mark who was by now on his hind legs and I'm sure wanting to crash down onto poor little Chris and crush him like a bug. Too bad for him, Chris wasn’t a bug, and he was my friend.

No one, and I mean no one, tries to kill my friend.

I let out a furious growl before biting his lower leg, I think I might have got his ankle, I wasn’t really sure since he shook me off and sent me rolling on the ground.

I was pretty damn angry right now and I wasn’t going to give up, I wanted him dead, but he was a freaking bear and I was pretty sure I was going to die. Even though I knew the chances of me making it out were slim I was overpowered by rage, hatred and the spirit of vengeance. I valued friends and family way above myself and being a wolf made it no different.

Mark turned round to me and walked over with a grin on his face, he knew just as well as I did that I couldn’t possibly win this fight and I would die if I didn’t give up soon or surrender, which was, ironically enough one of the main things I was teased about at school. People always took the piss out of me because I was French and they kept bringing up surrendering, just because the French surrendered doesn’t mean they are cowards, sometimes surrendering is the best thing to do for the lives of others, but I wasn’t going to surrender, I would fight to the end.

My pride got in the way a bit too much sometimes whenever a fight came along and when someone tried to insult me and it did mean I put myself in stupid situations, like this one, if I didnt let my pride get in the way and didn’t have that fight with Mark I wouldn’t be here and I probably not have to leave England, but it would have meant finding out that I was a wolf in some other way which could have turned out a lot worse than this.

I gulped and prepared for the worst, I was done now, I had no one to back me up and a wolf against a brown bear was really no match at all.

Mark once again reared up and crashed back down in front of me. Intimidation... really, I mean sure he was scary, but he couldn’t intimidate me, who did he think he was? I mean honestly, he wasn’t going to act like a prince all of a sudden. You can inflict slight fear into me but you will never intimidate me, after all Mark was a drunken drugie who could shape shift into a bear that reeked of alcohol. If you wanted to be intimidating, smell of something other than booze, made you seem more... wild.

He took a look behind to find that Chris was nowhere to be seen and with great confusion turned back to face me, but there was a small problem, I was no longer in front of him, oh no, I was right behind him.

I jumped right onto his back and bit down onto his neck. His thick fur and skin didn’t really help and I my bite did little damage to him, less than on anything else I had ever bitten on anyways. All my bite really did do was made him bleed a bit, infect him with pain, and make him pretty damn mad at me. Mark reared up as he roared in pain sending me flying off his back, but luckily for me I expected this and landed on my paws safely and avoiding a nasty fall to the ground.

I sprinted forwards again and jumped onto his back for the second time but this time I dug my claws as best as I could into his back and bit down hard on his shoulder to gain a good grip, too bad it wasn’t good enough.

Mark swung round causing my claws to rip free from his fur and I was left hanging on with my teeth for a split second until they too pulled free from his fur.

This time I landed on my side and Mark didn’t play around. He walked up to me and with a horrific crash, smacked his paw onto the ground barely an inch in front of my face. That was a close one.

Slowly he raised his paw again right above my head, he really did look angry, his eyes screamed violence, anger, and hatred.

He exhaled through his nose, a noise that if you heard on its own would sound as if he’s slightly pissed off and would like you to go away, but he amplified it to make it sound as if he really did want you dead, and sure enough he did really want me dead.

The Wolf (Book 1)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang