Decision Making With The Types

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How INTPs Make Decisions

They tend to quickly decide on the accuracy of theories and frameworks, yet they labor over the accurate expression of ideas. They may avoid decisions regarding an action or establishing order and structure...

How INFJs Make Decisions

They tend to make decisions rather quickly if new information matches the vision. If it doesn't, they will want time to integrate the information into their vision and adjust the vision or reject the information. They might be prone to inaction when they get overwhelmed with the physical realities of a situation or when they have no idea of what the next step should be...

How INFPs Make Decisions

They tend to make fast decisions about whether something or someone is congruent or not but may decide slowly about what actions to take and what direction to pursue. They want to be sure they've got all the information, and then once they get a clear sense that important values are not violated and actions will be congruent with those values, then they act quickly...

How ESTJs Make Decisions

While decisions are usually made quickly as to the right step to take now, they may still be more open to other ideas than their brusque manner might communicate...

How ESTPs Make Decisions

They tend to make fast decisions that are realistic and pragmatic. They so rapidly take in the currently available concrete information that others think they take in very little information. They grasp the rich detail from the present information and data they've accumulated and then move quickly to action...

How ESFJs Make Decisions

They often make quick decisions for the welfare of others. When the direction and sequence of a task are clear, they move forward quickly...

How ESFPs Make Decisions

Decisions usually come quickly for them about what action to take, but they may vary the decision when new options for action are seen. In the time it takes others to notice something, they're already acting on it. They take in a lot of rich detail, noticing minimal non-verbal cues...

How ENTJs Make Decisions

They tend to make decisions quickly based on the organization and the implementation of their strategy. Don't confuse their decisiveness with inflexibility...

How ENTPs Make Decisions

They tend to make decisions rather quickly in response to new information regarding the system or the potential for making a complex model accessible and usable. They quickly gather conceptual information to sort into categories, set criteria, and move to a metaposition with principles about how to problem solve...

How ENFJs Make Decisions

They tend to make quick decisions when a task needs to be done and want to get it accomplished right away. When given new information, they tend to withdraw mentally to visualize the impact of new information on the people involved and the vision...

How ENFPs Make Decisions

They tend to make quick decisions in response to opportunities that match the "ideal"; otherwise, they may deliberate over choosing the one right thing. All the options they see can overwhelm them if they are not thoroughly in touch with their values...

How ISTJs Make Decisions

They tend to decide quickly when they believe they understand the situation and the desired outcome. The decisions that come easily for them are ones about the logistics of a situation, so their focus will go to those kinds of situations...

How ISTPs Make Decisions

They tend to decide quickly when responding to an immediate need but slowly when they don't see options for action. They're constantly observing, taking in a lot of concrete information, and looking for all the angles. They like to see if the facts fit together, try something, and see what happens...

How ISFJs Make Decisions

When the situation is familiar, they are likely to recognize the familiarity and make decisions quickly. Sometimes they just go "by the book" to get closure. When making decisions in uncharted territory, they are usually slow and careful in their decision making...

How ISFPs Make Decisions

Decision making for them is a process of constantly checking against their values and adjusting their actions as situations change to keep true to what is important. This is not about changing their mind but adapting to situations in such a way as to stay in line with what was important. In this way, they are ready to make quick decisions, but they have given a lot of thought ahead of time about what is important...

How INTJs make decisions

Unlike the ENTJ who will happily engage in verbal sparring and will be happy to process thoughts outside the head, the INTJ will be private and keep thought processes inside until they emerge with 'the plan of action.' This may the first opportunity for others to even realise that so much was going on 'inside.'

INTJs make decisions based on rational logic, rather than emotion and they will be quite measured in their approach to other people. They generally have strong opinions, are independent of thought and action and have no need to verbalise these, other than to declare the conclusions. This economy of information can be a handicap as it may leave members of the team feeling that they are 'on the outside.'

The INTJ’s dislike of the basic facts may, at times, work against them as they can make decisions based on their theories and concepts and at times they may overlook 'the obvious,' seeking instead the complex solution. However, they will generally trust their own judgments, especially as these have been considered, chewed-over and processed for a long time prior to being announced.

Original and complex, INTJs have active minds, directed internally and their intuitive trait, (the high ‘N’) enables them to see very clearly the interconnections between things and the longer term implications of trends, current actions and events. Innovative and analytical, INTJs have a unique talent for analysing complex problems and issues and determining how they can be improved, whether it be a small innocuous product or the whole organisation. Their favourite subject for improvement, however, is themselves and they are on a constant quest to learn, develop and progress.


─── ・IMPORTANT:. ───

Before bashing on/insulting anyone/anything,please do remember that these are just stereotypes of sorts.They aren't supposed to define who you truly and wholly are.You aren't supposed to mold yourself and your life according to this.This is just for fun.Please don't be offended.I hope you will have fun reading this.Have a nice day~ :)


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