Types Going To School

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ESFJ: gets ready quickly so that they get to spend a lot of time with friends before class starts

ISFJ: his snooze a bunch of times but eventually gets up and eats a good breakfast

ESFP: curses whoever invented mornings and school

ISFP: looks out the window so that they're outfit matches the weather

ESTJ: looks out the window so that their outfit is appropriate for the weather

ISTJ: is ready five minutes before they need to leave then spends an extra ten waiting for they carpool who is late as per usual

ESTP: runs all over the house to find a may info pair of socks-why is it so hard??

ISTP: wakes up kinda groggy and forgets to print out that thing they were supposed to

ENFJ: laid out their outfit the night before so they're all ready to go

INFJ: makes them self get out of bed, then psychs themselves out for the day

ENFP: over sleeps and runs out the door

INFP: grapes something to eat one the road as they walk to school

ENTJ: gets up on time and leaves on time, also single-handedly organized the carpool

INTJ: has their routine and follows it to a T, times when they leave home so they get to school exactly when they want to be there

ENTP: finishes their homework on the ride to school and somehow still gets an A

INTP: gets up as late as then can but still gets to school early-doesn't make a fuss over it


─── ・IMPORTANT:. ───

Before bashing on/insulting anyone/anything, please do remember that these are just stereotypes. They aren't supposed to define who you truly and wholly are. You aren't supposed to mold yourself and your life according to this. This is just for fun. Please don't be offended. I hope you will have fun reading this. Have a nice day.
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