The Types And Morals

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The Sense of Morality in Each Myers-Briggs Type

Some people have a very strong attachment to their morals, while others have morals that are bent very easily. Here are the types of morals you probably have according to your personality type.


INFJs have a strong sense of morality but can differ from a more black and white view. They are good at understanding people and will often attempt to see someone else's side of the story before making a moral judgment. INFJs have a strong sense of justice, and become upset if they see someone being hurt or harmed when they do not deserve it. INFJ want people to be noticed for their good deeds, and others to be punished for their bad ones. They believe in doing the right thing and want to make good choices in life. They may have a different perception of what is right and wrong, because they believe in fully understanding the actions involved. They don't believe in hurting others and are very protecting towards the weak or towards people that they love and care for. They may become angry towards someone who hurts a loved one and may believe in a just vengeance for those people. They believe in fairness and searching to make life better for others.
The INFJ often believes very strongly in their actions and are driven by a sense of justice. This may not be an obvious sense of morality to some people, but the INFJ believes in what they are doing. In cases where INFJs may be seen in very opposite ends of the spectrum, those INFJs still have a strong sense that their choices are the right ones.


ENFJs sense of morals is often influenced very strongly by those around them. The ENFJ have strong sense of morality and believes in doing what is right. They have powerful convictions about things and know what they believe in. Their values can be somewhat interpersonal, and can revolve around their social surroundings. They want to do what is right for others and believe in making people happy. They dislike seeing injustices and become frustrated with people who harm others. People who cause others pain intentionally are viewed as wrong in the eyes of the ENFJ. For them their sense of morality is strongly affected by their surroundings and the people that they admire most. They do have powerful convictions and although they believe in harmony, that does not mean they will bend their convictions.


INFPs have a very internal and powerful sense of morals. They know what they believe is right and wrong, and this view can sometimes be very black and white. They follow their conscious and belief system and want to do the right thing. Morality is extremely important to the INFP, and they strive to fulfill their own inner values. They have a strong sense of justice and believe that you should do what you can to avoid causing others pain. They believe in following this strict moral code, even though it is sometimes challenging to do so. They believe in being honest and being held responsible for wrong doing. They do not want people to get away with hurting others or making poor decisions that are simply wrong. INFPs often believe in the purity of love and its ability to guide you in the right direction. They want to make a difference in the world and strive to stay true to themselves along the way.


ENFPs have a strong sense of internal morals, but often struggle with judging others. They have a keen sense of people, but may misplace their accurate judgments in favor of seeing the good in people. They want to believe in people and may ignore their negative qualities because of their own personal feelings towards them. The ENFP does have serious values that they hold very close to them. They believe in doing what is right, and want to be capable of making a positive difference in the world. They may have an idealistic view and want very much to see the good in others. They often believe that people are capable of bettering themselves, and stand by that. They are often harder on themselves than they are others when it comes to proper moral decisions. They do have a sense of what they believe in and may attempt to direct others down that path. The ENFP often likes to explore and see multiple sides to everything, because of this they may develop a stronger sense of morals over time.

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