Improved Stereotypes of the MBTI Personalities

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isfp: loves food and cooking. netflix suggestions are all food network shows. in love with guy fieri
esfp: huge physics nerd
infp: edgy tumblr kid with guro, gore, or teeth in their url who uses the knife emoji too much
enfp: serious entrepreneur
istp: famous youtuber who lives for drama
estp: runs an aesthetic blog and stays out of drama (still kinda snobby tho)
intp: the mom friend
entp: crybaby
isfj: the true artist
esfj: wise all-knowing mystic. predicts the future (and is right). has been thru everything and will help you get your shit together
infj: is actually pretty normal. a regular joe
enfj: the dad friend
istj: the fashionista
estj: pretty much lana del rey
intj: bakes cookies for their friends, loves sleepovers
entj: human rights activist



Before bashing on/insulting anyone/anything,please do remember that these are just stereotypes of sorts.They aren't supposed to define who you truly and wholly are.This is just for fun.I hope you will have fun reading this.Have a nice day~ :)


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