Start from the beginning

Damn. Remind me why am i at such a height and why am i risking my life?

Let's rewind.

An idiot i.e. Cabir suggested that we all did paragliding and observe the entire city at a wide glance so that when we explore those places later Abhi doesn't feel left out. Great idea but definitely not for me.

Mukti and Navya are aware about my phobia of heights and so they stood at corner with pity in their eyes because it was me who landed myself into trouble AGAIN, when i accepted Manik's challenge of going out there in the air. They looked scared for me and even i was but i assured them that i was fine and i can do it.

Trust me i know i can't.

The instructor came over and provided us with the necessary instructions and reminding us that it was to be done in pairs. We can either take up a trainer with us or go pairs together. Everyone apart from me here had done it before so the decision was a couple.

Pretty obvious that Navya and Cabir paired up while Mukti rejected cause of her arm injury and I was left with that jerk.

" I won't go with him " I said aloud and clear for everyone to hear. 

" Woah! As if I am dying to go with you. " Manik said rolling his eyes.

 " I know how much you are dying to come with me" I muttered under my breath and I am aware that he heard me. Right back at you Malhotra. 

" OK then i can provide you a trainer" our instructor suggested.

" why can't I go alone? " I asked annoyed at the thought of going with some unknown strange man.

Could be a killer, who knows. 

" No. You have to go with someone that's the rule. " the instructor said.

Looks like my idea is working.

 "Too bad i can't go then. I accompany Mukti here" I spoke happily.

A happiness that lasted for a couple of seconds. 

" Why? Are you scared Miss Murthy" Manik said and now it was his turn to smirk. I guess he saw the restlessness and nervousness in me when we arrived here but how can I show him my weakness. 

" Offcourse not. " I snapped back at him.

I am not letting thing man win and get his satisfaction. 

" Nandu you please acoompany Manik. He's better than going with some stranger " Navya just entered the chat. 

" Navya. " I began to refuse but her pleading eyes stopped me and finally giving up I agreed to go with this idiot.

First was Navya and Cabir's turn and hell they went smoothly. Looks like Navya got herself an adventurer. But what about me. I am scared as a cat, nervous as a student, restless as a hospital patient and angry as a red chilli.

I was fiddling my fingers out of nervousness when Manik's voice caught me offgaurd. 

"Let's go." he said cheerfully. 

I guess he likes adventure cause his eyes shone like a kid getting his chocolate. I nervously nodded and headed ahead with him with slow steps. I could feel goosebumps all over my body when a soft hand gripped mine. I looked at those fingers and then the owner. Manik's eyes bore into mine. Did I just say Manik instead of jerk. Well leave that. 

His cold hands gripped mine and i just looked at those beautiful hazel brown eyes. They are actually beautiful. This is the first time I am observing them. Why haven't i done that before. I am a sucker for eyes, remember Ian Somerhalder.

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