Chapter 43

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Zayn's Pov-

"Thank you boys, now we'll have her taken into custody first then tomorrow morning." The buff, older police officer said putting the tapes into a safe. "It was no problem, sir." Liam smiled brightly. "In the mean time, we'll contact every school in the area that we can. Just case she tries anything else." He nodded. I was still shocked to find out what those video tapes held, we knew she was hiding something but never would we have imagined that she was...just handing out good grades for certain actions.

"Just go home and get some rest, don't worry about it. We'll handle it from here." "Thank you, sir." Liam said and then we were driving down the road again. It was just after ten and we were planning on all hanging out at Liam's place for the night. My phone began to vibrate in my front jeans pocket fished it out. "Can you meet me at the park by the school? xoxo" ~Rose. "Hey I'll meet you guys there in just a bit, but can you drop me off at my house first?" I asked, replying to Rose that I'll be there in 30 minutes.

"Mate, are you dumping us for Rose?" Harry raised an eyebrow at me. "Uh...." I looked around. "He is!" Niall pointed at me. "Not really! I'll meet you guys at Liam's house later, I promise." I laughed lightly. "I thought we had something special!" Niall started to "cry". Louis pulled up in front of my house. Liam rolled his eyes. "Make sure to be safe." Louis winked at me as I got out. "Louis! Rose is too innocent, I will not allow any sexual contact." Harry said poking his head out from the passenger seat.

"We've already made out plenty of times." I give him a dull look. "La la la! I can't hear you!" Harry had his ears covered yelling. "YOU'RE KILLING MY EARS MAN!" Niall shouted from the backseat. "No need to yell so late at night guys." Liam said crossing his arms. "WHAT WAS THAT LIAM? I CAN'T HEAR YOU!" Louis screamed from his spot. "Fuck you guys." Liam stuck his tongue out at him. "Don't kill each other." I laughed and walked off. I opened my door quickly changing into some fresh clothes.

I grabbed my phone and locked the door. I decided on walking there, since it wasn't that far away. I stuffed my hands in my pocket and found a packet of my cigarettes, carefully taking one out and lighting it up. As I breathed back out I could see my breath mixing in with the smoke I exhale. I can't believe all the shit we've been though, Rose is the best thing to happen to me. I come close enough to the park to see it's outline. It's the same park that Rose got shot in and that fucking crazy man kidnapped us.

Seems like it happened just yesterday. I finish my cigarette and drop it to the ground. As I smash it with my foot it begins to softly snow. I shove my hands back into my pants pocket. Then I see her, she's standing in the middle of the open grassed area. She snuggles up against the scarf that was around her neck. Her perfect cheeks are lightly red from the cold, snowflakes land on her golden hair. Some stay and others melt slowly into her beautiful straight hair. I found myself smiling without knowing it, and that's when I truly knew. I don't want anyone else in the world I only want her, and I'm glad I have her in my life.

Rose's Pov-(40 minutes before texting Zayn)

"I think you need some time alone with your man." Madi winks as my eyes turn wide. "No! I think I should hang out with you guys." I smiled. "You buying it?" Madi looked at Alex. "Not one bit." "Me neither, let's get you all dressed up!" Madi jumped up and began to drag me up to her room. She threw me down on a chair in front of this big mirror. "Uh...what are you doing?" I asked, scared for an answer. "Getting you ready for your man." Madi shrugged as if it was obvious, I rolled my eyes and tried to protest. "No." She held a hand in front of my face.

"Alex, you text Zayn and help get some clothes. I'll brush her messy hair." "Hey!" "Shh!" I crossed my arms over my chest like a child.

"Done!" Madi said, excitedly. I opened my eyes to see I looked like a female version of Zayn. "I look like a female version of him." I raised an eyebrow at them. "That's the idea." Alex said, smiling. "Let's get you to the park." Madi and Alex dragged me into the car. Not too long later we were at the park. "Why the park? It's so cold, and look it's beginning to snow!" I pointed out the window from the backseat. "Stop whining and just have a good time with Zayn." They pushed me out the car door before taking off down the road.

Such great friends I have, I groaned. I walked in the middle of the grass opening, I moved to where my scarf covered more of my face. Why does it have to be so cold in the winter? "Hey, babe." Arms wrapped around me and turned me toward them. I looked up at Zayn to see his wonderfully perfect brown eyes staring down at me. His smile made me smile much more. I noticed the beanie sitting on his head. "Hello." I smiled hugging him, I buried my face in his chest. Zayn was always warm. I never understood, most guys are like heaters while I'm here always cold. I grabbed his beanie off his head and put it on my own. "Hey." Zayn whinnied dragging the "y" out. I just giggled and rolled my eyes at him, he can be such a child.

"I missed you." His voice vibrated my body. "It was only two days." I laughed, looking up at him. We never let go of each other, we just stood here in the middle of a park while it snowed on us. "Two days to long." He pouted. I laughed and rubbed my nose up against his. I pulled back and he pouted again. "Don't I get a kiss?" "Let me think about it." I began to walk away. "Hey!" I heard his footsteps coming toward me. I started to run away from him. "LET ME LOVE YOU!" I laughed and I heard him lightly laugh from behind me. "NO!" I turned to stick my tongue out at him but he wasn't there.

"Zayn?" I asked and stopped running. I turned back around to see him staring right back at me. "AHH!" I screamed and jumped back a bit. "You scared the living shit out of me!" I exclaimed and he only laughed at me. I went to stomp in anger but I slipped on some ice and started to fall. I felt Zayn's slim arms wrap around my waist and catch me. He made me stand back on my feet and pulled me up against him. If he wasn't still holding me I would've fell because I was slightly stumbling from the sudden actions. "Do I get a kiss now?" His hot breath fanned on my face, as he was only an inch away from my face. "N-" His lips slipped gently on mine. We moved in perfect sync, his lips were soft, gentle, and filled with a everlasting burning passion.

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