Chapter 23

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Rose's Pov-

"ROCK! ROCK! ROCKAWAY BEACH!!" "Ugh." I mumbled into my pillow as my alarm clock blared The Ramones - Rockaway Beach. I really didn't want to get out of bed, but with my luck Madi was here.. "COME ON! UP SLEEPY HEAD!" She yelled in my ear and I jumped like a kangaroo up in the air. "Holy shit!" I yelled holding my chest where my heart was at. "Hey, you should be happy or you'd be late for school." She crossed her arms.

"Exactly." I said pulling my lazy butt out of bed trying not to hurt my side. "Well hurry I'll be downstairs with Alex who brought her car to drive." She said skipping merrily out of the room. She get's so happy for Christmas time. I hopped out of my bed and into the shower, as I was washing myself I made sure not to hurt my side.

I ran down the stairs with my batman backpack hitting my back. Once I got down stairs I noticed Madi on her phone and Alex eating spam straight from the can, just like how my dad used too. I smiled thinking that these are the friends that are going to stay with me forever. Madi looked up from her phone meeting my eyes.

"Ok, let's get this show on the road!" She clapped her hands together running out in the snow to the car. "Should we tell her I locked the car?" Alex asked as we followed behind her. "Nah." I said laughing with Alex now. "ALEX! WHY WON'T YOUR CAR OPEN!?" Madi shouts pulling at the backseat's door. "Maybe because it's locked?" Alex said like it was a question.

Alex and I started laughing much harder at her reaction. "Rose you knew and didn't tell me?" Madi said faking a horrified/sad face. "Yup." I said popping the "p". "That's just cruel!" She says throwing her arms up and starts to pretend to cry. "Come on, we're going to be late for school." Alex said jumping into the drivers seat. I walked around and hopped in the passengers seat while Madi shut her door for the backseat.

Alex started the car and set off for school, Madi crawled out of her seat and turned the radio on. "Lately I've been, I've been losing sleep dreaming about things we could be.." "I LOVE THIS SOOONGG!" Madi screamed dragging out some of her words, then blasts the radio. "Me too." Alex yelled smiling. "Me three." I shouted nodding my head to music while Madi screamed every lyric.

I don't think I could have ever seen this as my future about one year ago. I can't really explain how much I am thankful for my friends I have now. Alex pulled into the parking lot and parked. We got out and began walking inside. "So, anything I missed since about the week I have been out?" I asked opening my locker.

"Well, Mr. Payne made us just take Lot of notes." Alex answered first, of course she would know what they did all week in that class. "Yeah, Alex couldn't stop drooling over him." Madi giggled closing her locker. "HEY! At least I don't looove Mr. Horan." Alex smirked at her. "I never said anything about love!" Madi whined.

"Ok, I get it Alex loves to drool over Mr. Payne and Madi loves Mr. Horan." I laughed at them as we walked into Mr. Horan's classroom. "Says the girl who LOVES Mr. Malik but won't admit it." Madi said but yelled the word love. Well, that made me remember that I almost KISSED him yesterday! Now, I want to crawl into a hole and die.

Good thing no one was in here yet but us, not even Mr. Horan was here. "I don't love him." I argue crossing my arms together as we sit down. "Yes you do!" Alex yelled backing up Madi. "What?! Did you guys eat a bowel crazy-o's this morning?!" I shout looking at them as if they were on drugs. "YOU LOOVE HIM!" Madi yelled dragging out the "o" in love. "I don't!" I say trying to get them to understand that I don't like Mr. Malik, Zayn, my teacher!

"LIAR!" They yelled in sync. Madi throws her arms up and Alex points at me. "No!" I defend myself. "Admit it, you love Mr. Malik." Madi said smiling like she knew something I didn't, while Alex nodded agreeing with her. "I DON'T LOVE MR. MALIK!" I yell as Mr. Horan walked into the room with Mr. Payne.

"Woah, I didn't say you did." Mr. Horan laughed. I roll my eyes throwing my head on my desk not looking at anyone. The bell rang for class to start and I heard everyone pile in. Mr. Payne ran out to get to his class, his footsteps still heard from down the hall. "Today class we'll learn about harder formula's, Rose lift your head up please." Mr. Horan asked.

I looked up to see he gave me sorry eyes, I nodded signaling it was okay. The class ended soon enough thankfully, I mean Niall is a fun loving guy but he teaches math and there's no way to make that subject fun. "You and Mr. Horan seemed to keep catching each others eyes." I said to Madi wiggling my eye borrows.

"Yeah, what was up with that?" Alex asked nudging her side. "Nothing! I he could never like me." Madi said quietly as we walked to drama class. "WHAT?!" I yell forgetting their were other people around. People around us gave us glares, and strange looks. "Of course he'd like you Madi! Who wouldn't?" Alex said while looking at her like she was nutts.

"Well...we wouldn't be allowed to date if we wanted. He'd get fired or even go to..jail." Madi said looking down at her UGG boots. "Madi don't ever let that reason stop you, if he really loved you he would keep you." I smiled at Madi making her look back up. "Thanks, you guys are the best." Madi smiles that perfect white tooth smile.

"I know, I am pretty awesome." Alex smirks fixing her jacket. We all begin to laugh like crazy as we walk into Mr. Tomlinson's room. But we walk in to see Louis and Harry making out. Louis was sitting on his desk and had his arms wrapped around Harry's neck while Harry was leaning down holding Louis's waist making out.

"MY INNOCENT EYES!!!" Madi yells covering her eyes."It burns!" I shout rubbing my eyes. "The pain! PAIN!" Alex shouts falling to the ground. "Ok, are you little kids done with whatever...that is." Mr. Tomlinson says sassily. "Are you done with that PDA?" Alex asks from her spot on the floor. "Yes." Mr. Styles chuckles with his deep voice.

"You should get a room!" Madi says uncovering her eyes. "We are in MY classroom." Mr. Tomlinson says forcing the word "my". "Well, you had a class coming." I state the obvious. "That's why the door was closed." Mr. Styles answers. "Oh!" Alex says making her way off the floor. "I better get going babe." Mr. Styles says giving Mr. Tomlinson a peck on the lips.

"There goes my looking holes." I say acting as if they were melting. Alex and Madi couldn't stop laughing and I joined soon after. Mr. Tomlinson rolled his eyes as Mr. Styles left. The bell rang and we jumped into our seat still laughing like the mad hatter. Mr. Tomlinson is smiling trying not to laugh along as everyone piles inside the room.

"Good morning class!" Mr. Tomlinson shouts making some people jump. They still aren't used to how he acts.

The day goes by in a blur, but as I say bye to Madi and Alex to go to Mr. Malik's class.

Everything seems to be going too slow. I don't want to even see least not yet...

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