Chapter 29

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Alex's Pov-

Harry had just called me and told me what he was going to do. It was quite sneaky if I do say so myself, Rose would fall right for that trick. Harry was going to make her realize how much she really did love Zayn, and it didn't matter what anyone thought. I wish it could really be that simple for my life, but my dad would find out and kill me.

I was laying on my bed going though my text messages when I hear the front door slam I jump falling off my bed completely. I know it's my dad when I hear the screaming. "ALEXANDRA JONES!" The deep slurred voice of my father ring clearly though the walls. I tense up then release the breath I was holding in. I walk calmly to my door pulling it open so that it makes not even the slightest noise.

As I walk down the steps my heart begins to beat faster, faster, and so much that I feel as if it's going to pop out of my chest at any given moment. Once I get to the bottom step I hop off quietly, peaking my head around the corner of the white wall. I see my father's back toward my as he talks to about three other men that stand in a sort of circle.

This has never happened before, after my father gets home from the bar all day he usually calls me down to scream or...hurt me. But he has never brought someone with him when he calls me down like scares me. One man is very tall and has dark brown hair spiked up he looks about 22, then there was a man with long dirty blonde hair looks about to be 25 maybe, and the last man was tall slender figure he had black hair messily on his head looking to be about 20.

"Sorry, boys. ALEXANDRA!" My father screams toward the stairs I am standing at. Thank god he is too drunk to notice me though. "Usually she comes right down." My father shrugs his shoulders trying to be causal, but I could tell he was getting angry. This made me terrified so much that I had started to turn around to go back into my room to jump out the window.

"Is that her?" I hear a muscularly voice ask. I cringe knowing that I am fucked now, and slowly to face them. I still didn't move from my spot and kept my eyes planted my eyes on the floor. "Come, Alexandra." I hear my father said with little bit of edge to his voice. I knew I was going to get it now. I slowly walk over to their little circle that now had the random men sitting on the couch.

"Make eye contact, Alexandra." My father's voice spat quietly in my ear. I shakily have my eyes meet the eyes of three strangers. I could immediately tell which one sold me out, because he was smirking smugly at me. It was the one with long dirty blonde hair. The one with brown hair was scanning my body slowly with his eyes, and the black haired one licked his lips with a smile.

"This deal is sold." Blondie stood up walking over to my dad. I raise my eye borrow confusedly at him, I honestly have no idea what is going on right now. He had handed my dad some money, quiet some bit too. "Oh, I call first night!" Messy hair yelled waving his hand around crazily. "No way, man! She's mine." Hissed the wandering eyes. Wait, did my dad just..sell me? Like some kind of whore?

Oh, hell no. My father has done a lot of things that I knew not to fight back for. This though, this crosses that fucking line. "Don't worry you get me first." A voice I didn't know whispered in my ear. They made me jump, with their arms wrapped around my waist. I turn my head to see the Blondie. I took a deep breath in hoping I had good luck right now.

I brought my leg up to quickly kick him in the balls, he dropped to the floor groaning. I flew up the stairs so fast that I didn't even know I could go that fast. "GET THE FUCK BACK HERE!" I heard messy hair yell. "YOU LITTLE BITCH!" My father screamed at the top of his lungs. I closed my door so fast I thought it would break off.

I heard foot steps running up the stairs right toward my door. I grabbed my backpack throwing some clothes inside with my school books, made sure I had my phone. My door didn't have a lock so they were about to kill me...I jumped out my window even though I was on the second floor. I knew the snow would help my fall.

I knew my father had stuck his head out my window as he screamed, "IF I EVEN SEE YOU AGAIN IT WILL BE THE LAST FUCKING THING YOU DO!" I ran and ran down the side walk not once looking back. I couldn't stop running it had gotten to the point where I didn't even see what I was running past, it was freezing outside but I didn't notice.

I felt the tears burning at the corners of my eyes, but I didn't let them out. I just couldn't let them out. I had always been strong, well that was what I wanted others to think. More importantly though, I wanted to believe it myself. That was the only thing that had kept me going for so long. I had finally stopped running, I looked up for my eyes to be met with a house.

It wasn't just any house either, it was Liam's house. Why the hell did you bring me here? I glare at my feet probably looking like a nut case but right now I could care less. I didn't realize what I was doing until Liam's beautiful brown puppy eyes met my grayish blue one's. "Alex?" Liam's husky voice asked. I could tell he just woke up because his was somehow even more deep and sexy than usual.

My lord I did not just say that, did I? "L-Liam." I said weakly. He knew that something was wrong, and it looked like something had clicked in his brain. "Come in." He opened the door more for me. I walked in as he closed the door behind me and walked us to the couch. His house was so clean and opened. I sat next to him on the couch.

He faced me to where our legs were touching. "I...L-Liam...uh..." I struggled to find the right words to explain what was wrong. For once I was willing to open up to someone, but I couldn't find the right words. Liam took note of this and just embraced my body into his warm comforting chest. I don't how, or why I did what I did next.

I had wrapped my arms tightly around Liam and Something that I hadn't done in 9 years of my life, that I had kept bottled up inside. I held my arms around Liam while I cried my eyes out as if he was going to leave any minute.

"Please, d-don't ever l-leave me Liam." I whispered into his chest.

"Never in million years, love." He whispered back kissing my head.

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