Chapter 39

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Rose's Pov-

"Rose?" I hear a soft voice mumble. "Ugh." I sit up, my body feeling like it's being weighed down. "Rose! Are you okay?" The voice faintly asks. My eye were still closed, I felt a cold surface from underneath me. "W-What happened?" My voice shakes. "You started to scream, and then you passed out." The voice sounding so small. I was about to respond when my head got an unbelievably horrible pain. I gripped the sides of my head lightly, "Ugh."

I opened my eyes carefully, the bright light blinding me. "Where am I?" I ask, blinking my eyes rapidly to adjust to the light around me. I finally notice where I am and quickly close my eyes again. "You're in the mall, Hot Topic." I realized that it was Alex's voice. "I need to get out of this shop." I jump to my feet. "But Rose wha-" "Please!" I calmed myself down. "I just need to be out of this shop, please." "Alright, thank you for your help." That was Madi, she was probably talking to the two guys working there.

"We're out." I open my eyes and take a few deep breaths. I look around, I find a bench. I speed walk over to it and throw myself into a sitting position. "Rose! What happened?" I could tell Alex was fed up and just needed some answers. "Look I'll be fine, I will answer everything once we're done getting the things we need." I close my eyes and smile. Madi sighed, "Okay, I trust you."

"For now we shop our hearts out and have a good time!" I hopped onto my feet and pointed to stores in front of me. Why did those voices in my head keep saying he's coming? He can't be coming...can he? I shake the thought out of my head, determined to have a good time with my friends for once. "Let's hit the food court first!" Alex cheered, running off up the stairs.

"AWAY!" Madi screamed in the middle of the mall, making everyone look at us like we were on drugs. I look down shaking my head, but I start to laugh. I don't know these people, what does it matter what they think? Fuck them if they have a problem with our awesome selves. "FOOD IS MY HUSBAND!" I took off after them. I realized that they were the only people to ever make me have a good time and smile right after something bad.

I laugh and caught up with them sitting at a table with food covering the whole thing. I jog and sit down next to Alex. I began stuffing my face with random food, it was oily and fattening...BUT I LOVE IT! "So when are we going to start actually buying Christmas decorations?" Alex asked raising an eye borrow at Madi. Madi began to sink in her seat, and tried so hard not to look at us. "Madi?" I made her look around more faintly. "What's going on?" I continued to lower my gaze on her.

"I may or may not already have everything and just wanted to have you guys go shopping with me..." She trailed off. Alex and I looked at each other. Madi looked up at us and we both turned away at the same exact. "Come on guys! I'm sorry!" Madi pleaded. "Humph." I crossed my arms. "I'll do anything just speak to me!" She cried out.

Alex and I's gaze meet each others. "Anything?" I ask innocently. "Yes! Yes!" Madi's pleading voice echoed in my ears. "Okay." Alex paused making a focused face. "I want you to drop and give me 100! And 50 bucks!" She pointed her finger at Madi. Madi jumped up and started to get into position. Alex and I began to laugh so hard.

"What?" Madi's small voice asked. Alex was basically rolling on the ground laughing while I was standing up, one hand holding the table and the other hand was holding my stomach. I'm pretty sure I started to get tears in the corners of my eyes. "W-We w-were joking!" I laughed and Alex just nodded as in an agreement. "What!" Madi screamed holding her hair in her hands.

"Ugh, I am friends with freaks." She sighed looking at us. "Yes, b-but we're y-your freaks!" Alex smiled recomposing herself. We all started to laugh together about it now. I smiled and clutched my chest because of the sudden pain I'd felt jolt through me. "Rose, are you okay?" I barely noticed that a soft hand was set on my shoulder.

I looked up at Alex who was the one that had set her hand on my shoulder. "Yeah." I paused and grinned at them. "Probably just need to burp or something." I laughed lightly at the end, and that got them both to smile. "Okay, well it's getting late why don't we head back." Madi took hold of my hand and lead me down the stairs. I was thankful that she did because if she hadn't I'd be falling done the stairs right now.

What's been going on with me? I've been having weird jolts of pain through my chest and strange flashbacks. It's probably nothing just being paranoid that's all. "We should hang out at Madi's house! We're never gone over to your house before." Alex smiled and poked her cheek. But the happy, go lucky Madi had a far away look in her eyes. Then out of nowhere she flinched and I felt her arm hair stand up.

"Madi, you can tell us anything." I leaned over and whispered in her ear. We all continued walking and Madi started trembling by the time we got to the parking lot. "Found the car!" Alex pointed like a mad woman. Madi stopped right by the car and her trembling had gotten worse. Cars were pulling out from every direction because the mall was about to close.

I could hear her breathing deeply, I turned toward her. Her blonde wavy hair covering her eyes as her head was bowed down. I used all of my strength to wrap my arms around her tightly and support her weight. I said nothing, but my action's where louder than my words ever could be. She reacted slowly but then wrapped her arms around me quickly as if her life depended on it. Her tears mixing in with my sweatshirt, and her sobs echoed through out my ears.

I gripped her head in my hand, snowflakes falling around us ever so gently. "You can let it out, no one's going to judge you." I felt that horrible pain in my chest again but I ignored. It's not about me, it's about Madison right now. She sobbed harder and I felt her knees give out. I threw her over my back, the pain was getting worse with all this moving around. "Let's go Alex." I said motioning toward the car.

I set Madi in the backseat and I sat next to her my shoulder supporting her. "We're taking you home Madi." I spoke softly. "90 O-Oak street." She barely spit it out. Alex nodded and drove down the busy streets. The night sky peaked itself out, street lights flashing by. I focused my attention on my shoes, I knew that if I kept watching I'd pass out.

Alex was in shock from watching Madi drop into this state of being. I knew there was nothing in the world I could say to make her feel better, because I know what it's like to be in her shoes.

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