Chapter 5

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"Well Rose, the art room is just around the corner. See you later!"

Madi said walking to the right side of the hallway. I went left I was looking for art room. I sighed, why do I always get lost. I walked around until the bell rang. Darn late for class! I found the class room 2 minutes late. I walked in the class room as the teacher was in the middle of talking.

He looked over at me or a second before speaking. "You must be Roselyn." He said smiling. "Rose." I said quietly. I was fidgeting from everyone's eyes on me. "Yes Rose. Please take a seat." He said pointing toward an empty seat in the back of the room. I walk to the seat with my head down.

"As I was saying class the project for this week is to make something that you feel. It is due Friday." He said then walking back over to his desk. I pulled out some blank paper from my backpack with black pencils. I began it to work on my drawing. I didn't move one inch the whole class period.

The bell rang saying it was the end of the day. "Have a great day! Oh Rose stay." He said while sitting at his desk. I put my drawing away in my backpack. I walked over to the front of the desk. "Yes?" I asked quietly looking down at my feet.

Zayn's Pov-

"Yes?" I heard her gentle voice say. I looked up to see her looking down at the ground. She is beautiful. No you can't she is your student, I could get fired. "Rose, you were late to class today. I'm sorry but that means detention." I said leaning into my desk. "W-What?" She said looking up at me. "I am sorry but it's the rules." I said giving her a small smile.

I can tell she's never gotten in trouble before. "I am Mr. Malik." I said standing up sticking out my hand. "Hi." She said shaking my hand. I sit back down fixing some papers on my desk. She sits in the front row and takes a paper out of her backpack. She looked at it for a second before connecting the pencil to the paper.

I was grading papers but every once in a while I would glance up at the beautiful girl drawing away only a few feet away. I can't help but find her completely attractive. It's just a small school girl crush though, if I can even call it that.

Rose's Pov-

I start to work on my drawing again for Friday. I could feel Mr. Malik looking at me sometimes. But I was probably just imaging things. I was about half way done when Mr. Malik said something. "Detention is over Rose." He said standing up gathering his things. "Ok." I said carefully putting my drawing in my bag.

I started to walk out of the classroom. "Rose. Do you need a ride home?" He asked making me stop. I thought about it for a minute. "Sure." I said turning around. He nodded and got more things. "Do you need help?" I asked seeing that he had a lot on his plate. I walked over grabbing half the papers out of his hands. "Thanks." He said looking down at me. "Yea." I said slowly.

He made me feel different than other boys. No, that's wrong. He is probably married most teachers are. He could have a family, and he's my teacher. We walked out to the parking lot, setting the paper's in the backseats. I hopped into the passenger seat as Mr. Malik got into the driver seat. As we drove down the road, he turned the radio on but not to loud.

"So tell me about yourself Rose." He said taking a second to look at me. "Well, I like drawing, writing, and reading. I am a little girly. I like all types of music. I just turned 18." I said smiling. "What about you?" I asked looking over at him. He had a beautiful jaw line perfect even. Black hair swooped up, he had plaid shirt on with black skinny jeans.

"I love art, and anything to do with music. I like any type of music, also. I am 23 years old." He said smiling slightly. "Ah, turned just up here." I said pointing to the left. "Which house?" He asked looking at me for a second. "The smallish gray one, on the end." I said pointing at the end of houses. He pulled up to the sidewalk in front of my house.

"Thanks for the ride Mr. Malik." I said holding the handle in my hand with my fingers wrapped around it. "No problem, anytime." He said smiling. "Have a good night." I said waving as I got out. "You too." He yelled driving away. I unlocked the door stepping inside, I drop my bag by the door along with my shoes. I sit on the couch starring off into space. He is nice, open, kind, and not to mention handsome.

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