Chapter 35

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Alex's Pov-

I didn't realize I'd run the whole way to my older house, but I did. Now I stand in front of my old apartment and I don't know if I can actually go threw with this. My father moved us out as soon as my mother left us, never to return again. I don't understand how he could keep this apartment we owned yet he couldn't live in it anymore.

I felt the snow flakes fall softly into my hair, and wind blew around me slightly. I closed my eyes, my senses going crazy. You could hear cars flying by on the main street, with a faint sound of children's laughter. I gripped the cold key to the house in my palms. It smelt the same as it always had, like cars gases and some kind of moist mold.

I smiled though all these things becoming somehow comforting. In this process I unlocked the front door and closed it gently behind me. I always carried the spare key with me just incase. I walked into the small but homey living room. Nothing had moved a muscle, and we hadn't taken anything with us to our new house but the clothes we owned.

I stopped in every room in the house a memory flashing right in front of my eyes every time. The kitchen was my 6th birthday, and I sat at the table in a princess pink dress. My mother holding the camera telling me to smile, my father secretly helping me blow the candles out next to me. Going up the stair case was the time when my father and I were mattress suffering, and my mother caught us when she walked in the door.

I brushed my fingers against the pictures of us as a family. I wanted to smash them to pieces. My parents were nothing but puppets, acting their emotions. I wanted to burn this place to the ground, but instead I kept going. I opened the first door on the left, it was my parents room. By now flashbacks were happening and I couldn't stop them.

I was jumping on their bed, it was Christmas morning. In my sleeping beauty night gown, my mother only went deeper into the pillow under her head. My father whispered in my hear about an attack to tickle her awake. I quickly slammed the door shut, and walked to the door on the right side of the hall. It was my old room, and I had changed. Then again I was only about seven years old when we left.

The walls were a bright orange and pink spotted, plastic barbie dolls lay on a plastic small table with pooh bear on it. My twin bed with white and orange bedding was still messy. My head stared to pound with pain, and the small room that used to be my world started to spin. I stumbled over my legs trying to stay awake, but I just fell to the stained white carpet.


"My clothes just got in from Paris!" "Really?! They're lovely." I giggled rocking lightly in my plastic pink chairs next to my small pooh bear table. "RANDY! I CAN'T KEEP DOING THIS!" "DOING WHAT? ALL YOU DO IS FUCK UP CONSTANTLY!" "OUR DAUGHTER IS UPSTAIRS!" "WHO FUCKING CARES!" I hug my Barbie's to my chest tightly, and close my eyes. I hum the tune from Cinderella, trying my hardest not to knowledge this is happening.

I hear muffled voices and can't make out what they're saying. "IF YOU EVEN TOUCH HER I'LL MAKE SURE YOU SPEND THE REST OF YOUR LIFE IN PRISON!" "UGH!" That was the last thing I heard my mother said before a door slammed shut shaking the house. Loud footsteps were stomping up the stairs, and I hugged my Barbie's tighter.

"Come on Alexandra, pack a bag full of clothes." My father's voice boomed within my small room. "O-Okay...where are we going daddy?" My voice came out small and weak. "We're going on an adventure just like in your story books!" He tried to say excitedly. "Yay!" I cheered throwing clothes into my mickey mouse backpack that had small wheels on the bottom.

I jumped down each step one by one because of my short and fat legs. I chanted "We're going on an adventure!" over and over while waiting for my father to come down stairs. "Let's go." He said walking out the door. I followed him to the car sitting in the back seat behind the passenger seat. "Adventure!" I yelled and smiled. He began to drive down the road watching our house get smaller and smaller.

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