Chapter 27

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"Doesn't matter, love is love." He said, hands on either side of my head. Before I could even think his lips were on mine. I couldn't help but kiss back instantly, before I could think about it. Not soon after though my mind kicked back in. I pulled back quickly and pushed him away from me as hard as I could. I grabbed my bag storming out of the class room as fast as I could. "ROSE!" Zayn shouted but I just walked faster. "ROSE!" ROSE!" COME BACK!" PLEASE!"

But with his every begging words I just ran faster, I ran all the way to my house no once stopping. I got to my door unlocking it ripping it open. I slammed it closed, leaning my back against the door I slid down into a sitting position. I couldn't hold the tears in any longer, they came out as waterfalls. I held my hair in my palms making fists, pulling at my hair every now and then. My teacher had kissed me.

My teacher kissed me! And He had stolen my first kiss, stolen it making it impossible to ever get back. I was feeling every emotion that no one wanted to feel. I felt angry, sad, confused, lonely, yet wanted nothing to do with the outside world, and any other synonyms for those words. I didn't, and never could have imagined that Zayn in a million years liked me. Yet alone loved me?!

But the worst part of this all? I finally realized I couldn't keep lying to myself, to my friends, anyone. That I was completely and madly in love with Zayn Malik. My art teacher, and I was hating every minute of it.

"AHHH!" I rolled off of my bed the blankets rapping around me as I fell to the hard wooden floor. I rolled on to my back groaning, it was just that stupid nightmare again. Could you call it that? I mean it had happened in real life so could it just be a memory? I rolled my eyes at myself looking over at my clock seeing it was only 5 o'clock in the morning.

I wouldn't even be up this early if it was a school day! It has been two days since that...unnamable thing happened. I figured I wouldn't be able to get any more sleep any way so I just got up throwing my covers onto my bed again. I walked over to my dresser getting out some lazy clothes, and quickly put my hair into a pony tail as I was walking down the stairs.

I walked into the kitchen opening the fridge my eyes almost instantly connecting with the bottle of whipped cream I grabbed it then opened the freezer pulling out the two whole tubs of ice cream. Chocolate, and strawberry ice creams. I quickly got one bottle of water turning off the light heading for the living room.

I threw myself onto the couch, and flicked the TV on. I got comfortable throwing the blanket on my legs. I opened the chocolate tub leaving the strawberry on the coffee table with the water bottle. I spread the whip cream into my mouth then shoved the ice cream I had on my lap in my mouth with it. I did the same thing yesterday but with the vanilla.

Yeah, there's no vanilla left. I flicked through the TV channels while scooping ice cream into my mouth every other second. I had finally found a good show on TV but then again I love cartoons. I think anyone would be creeped out if they walked in here. I mean a 18 year old girl shoving chocolate ice cream in her mouth, spreading whip cream in her mouth right after all while watching SpongeBob.

It's official I have problems, huge problems. Did I mention I am doing all of this before 6 o'clock in the morning? No, well I am. I begin to doze off, and for the first time in three days I sleep peacefully.

*3 Hours later*

"Should I wake her up?" "Well I don't know" "She has bags under her eyes." "There's ice cream every where, and whip cream.." "Fine, ok." "Yeah." "Love you too BooBear." Someone huffs out a puff of air in font of me, just as I open my eyes slowly. "Hell!" I see a head of curls go flying backwards onto the ground.

As soon as I realize who it is I begin laughing for the first time in three days. "Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks for asking Rose." Harry says getting up sarcasm dripping off every word. My laughs soon turn into small quieter giggles. He rolls his eyes at me sitting on the couch by me making me sit up straight. "Rose, you've been ironing everyone's calls.." He says softly and I immediately stop giggling.

I look down setting my hands in my lap. "And I come here to find you...a mess." He continued after I stayed in silence. "You haven't talked to anyone since before you went to art class....with..Zayn." He said as if he was hinting he knew what was going on. I raised my eye borrows still in eye contact with nothing but my hands.

"You know something?" He asked trying to get me to look up at him. I didn't move an inch, showing nothing was affecting me right now. "Zayn...he hasn't come out of his room since..three days ago also.." He said finally getting to me. I twitched my leg tugging a piece of hair behind my ear. I moved my eyes up to look at Harry.

He smiled knowing that he had gotten my attention. "But why would you both be like this, after the same time period?" He questioned, but I knew it was a rhetorical question. "So being the little curious person I am, I went to Zayn's house." Harry said I could hear the smirk and confusion in his voice. "I got though the front door but couldn't get him out of his bedroom." He said explaining this "story".

"I kept bugging him until he open the door." He said pausing in the middle of his thought. I began to get very curious myself at this point. "It was horrible. Zayn opened the door his red blood shot eyes starring at me. His hair that needs to be perfect every second was all over the place. He had a pair of sweat pants on and a gray shirt that smelled of BO bad." Harry stated a worried look comes cossed his face.

"Yet, the worst of it all was his bedroom." Harry breathed out as if reliving it all over again. "His clothes were all over his floor, his dresser top was filled with broken things, his bed itself was looking horrid, and his mirror was broken into a million pieces spread all over his carpeted floor." Harry said rubbing his eye.

"Harry? S-Should I go talk to him?" I asked barley over a whisper but he caught it. "Rose, you NEED to go talk to him." He said over exaggerating the word "need". I knew what I had to do ether I wanted to or not. I threw a pair of UGG boots on and stuffed my phone into my sweat pants pocket. "What's his address?" I asked turning toward Harry who was nothing but smiles.

"19th Cherry Flat's Road." He said watching me run out the door. I was about to do something I was going to regret for the rest of my life or wish I had done it sooner.

Guess we'll have to find out. I shrugged at that thought before picking up speed.

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