Roselyn Bell Clark

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Hi! I am Roselyn but please call me Rose. I am moving to London from Australia because my parents spilt up. My parents spilt up because my dad drank a lot. My dad kicked us out. So my mom and I have to move to London because she got a job offer there. I was born in London but when I was 5 we moved to Australia because we were having money trouble dad's family was there. I am very shy, and mostly keep to myself, never get in trouble unless it's from my mom. My style is kinda girly, but I mostly wear tights and long sleeve shirts. I have a weird taste in things, I like things most kids my age wouldn't.

Nicknames: Rose, Rosie, Bell

Age: Just turned 18 1 day ago

Favorite color: purple

Favorite song: Rock away beach by the Ramones!

Likes: Drawing, writing, reading, skateboarding, and almost any kind of food!

Dislikes: Players, rude people, fake people, bullies, and people who chew with their mouth open.

Eye Color: Dark blue

Bye, bye loves!

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