Chapter 3

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 I slammed my hand onto the stupid alarm clock. Why can't I just sleep in? Oh, wait because I have to start a new school today! Dammit! I rolled off my bed making me fall to the ground with a thud. "Uggh!" I grumbled as I walked into my bathroom. I stripped my Pj's off, jumping into the shower.

After all my business was done, I got out and wrapped a towel around my body walking into my room. I bent over to my bag getting some clothes out for the day. I threw them on, I fixed my sleeves so they were pulled down all the way. Then I brushed my hair into a bun. I ran down the steps with my backpack on my shoulder.

I grabbed an apple looking at the time, 7:06. I better start walking to school. It does start at 8:00 and it takes awhile to walk there. I walked out of the house into the rainy, cold London day. I locked the door before heading down the street. I can't believe mom couldn't at least give me a ride on my first day of school. At least it was only misting outside.

I walk quietly on the London side walk. I keep walking until it was 7:58 and I was finally at the school. I sigh, walking inside as people stare at me and whisper as I go by. Just like back home, just wonderful. I walk to the office to get my schedule. I walk in through the glass doors making my way to the front desk.

"I need my schedule, please." I say quietly. The older lady around early 50's had a smile planted on her face. A real smile not one of those fake smiles you get from random people just because it's their job. "You must be Rose." She said picking up a folder. I nod smiling. "Here you are Rose, have a good day!" She said cheerfully.

"You too." I said shyly I walked to my locker opening it with the key they gave me. I was putting benders I'd need later in their and put the rest in my backpack. I looked at my schedule seeing first period I have math. Ugh, I hate math! I try looking for Mr. Horan's class but can't find it. I am too shy to ask for help and class is going to start soon!

I was walking looking down when I ran into someone. "Oh, I am sorry." I said quietly picking my book back up. "Don't worry about it." I hear a girl's voice. I look up to see a girl with dark brown hair looking at me. "Hi, my names Madison. But call me Madi." She said sticking her hand out for me to shake. "Rose." I said shaking her hand.

"So Rose you new here?" She asks me. "Yeah, I am lost could you help me?" I ask hoping she'll say yes. She seems nice that she would help me. "Of course! Can I see your schedule?" She beams and I nod at her handing her my schedule. She looks at it for a second. "We have all the same classes but your last class." She squeals handing my schedule back.

"Here let's get going to class now." Madi said smiling as we walk in the different direction I was before. Man, I was really lost. We made it right before the bell went off. "Nice of you to join us Madison." Mr. Horan said looking at some paper on his desk. "Ah and you must be Roselyn." He said looking at me. "It's Rose." I said shyly going to sit by Madi.

"Yes Rose." He said if he was trying to remember. It was so boring, listening to him go on and on about how to solve word problems correctly. Ugh, well now Madi and I are off to drama with Mr. Tomlinson. "I"M HERE!" Madi yelled walking into the room about 10 minutes early. "MADI!" Mr. Tomlinson I am guessing yelled back.

That's not strange at all. "Mr. Tomlinson meet Rose, Rose Tomlinson." She said pointing at me. "Hi." I said and waved. "Shy one are we?" He said joking. "Yes." Madi said acting like I wasn't here. "Hello, right here." I said pointing at myself. Wow, I wasn't even shy! "Oh, really?" She said rolling her eyes. Bell rang saying class was starting and everyone pilled in.

Mr. Tomlinson talked about how we have to put on a show with a partner about anything you want.

I started to walk to history with Madi when I bumped shoulders with someone making there books fall. "I am sorry!" I said looking up to see a blonde Barbie looking back at me. She had a cheerleading outfit on and I knew this wasn't going to end well, it never does.

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